Black No More Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black No More Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Bunny learn has been lynched in Chapter 12?
(a) Walter Brybe.
(b) Hank Johnson.
(c) Senator Kretin.
(d) Santop Licorice.

2. Where do the Givens' and others escape to in Chapter 12?
(a) Cuba.
(b) Ecuador.
(c) Mexico.
(d) Canada.

3. When does Rufus Kretin visit the Knights of Nordica office in Chapter 8?
(a) October, 1937.
(b) June, 1930.
(c) March, 1935.
(d) July, 1932.

4. How many telegrams and long distance telephone calls of congratulation did the radio station receive after Reverend Givens' speech in Chapter 9?
(a) Dozens.
(b) Thousands.
(c) Tens of thousands.
(d) Hundreds.

5. What gathers outside the hospital in Chapter 12?
(a) Politicians.
(b) A mob.
(c) A celebratory crowd.
(d) News reporters.

6. In Chapter 11, Matthew tells Bunny he sent Helen to resorts, thinking that travel might what?
(a) Ruin her affair.
(b) Encourage her to leave him.
(c) Destroy her marriage.
(d) Cause a miscarriage.

7. Who delivers Helen's baby in Chapter 12?
(a) Dr. Shakespeare Agamemnon Beard.
(b) Dr. Broker.
(c) Dr. Joseph Bonds.
(d) Dr. Junius Crookman.

8. Who hosts a pre-election party in Chapter 11?
(a) Dr. Broker.
(b) Senator Rufus Kretin.
(c) Rev. Alex McPhule.
(d) Arthur Snobbcraft.

9. What do Snobbcraft and Dr. Buggerie go to the Anglo-Saxon Association's headquarters to do in Chapter 11?
(a) Plan an assassination.
(b) Flood the basement.
(c) Talk to Matthew.
(d) Burn the data.

10. When Matthew gives a speech in Chapter 7, it appears that he supports whom?
(a) The workers.
(b) The Republican Party.
(c) The owners.
(d) The taxpayers.

11. What does Matthew tell the mill owners he will do if they choose not to pay him?
(a) Free the slaves.
(b) Kill them.
(c) Burn the mill.
(d) Back the strikers.

12. Rufus Kretin speaks with Matthew in Chapter 8 about stopping what?
(a) The growing black vote.
(b) The rising river.
(c) The lynchings in Mississippi.
(d) The growing Republican vote.

13. What does the word "buggery" relate to?
(a) Sodomy.
(b) Mining.
(c) Email.
(d) Spying.

14. What do the mill owners build for their employees, who have no time to use it?
(a) A lunchroom.
(b) A gym.
(c) Housing quarters.
(d) A swimming pool.

15. Who do the Anglo-Saxon members want to nominate for the Democratic candidate for Presidency in Chapter 10?
(a) Hank Johnson.
(b) Reverend Givens.
(c) Mr. Hortzenboff.
(d) Arthur Snobbcraft.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who do the Knights of Nordica want to nominate for the Democratic candidate for Presidency in Chapter 10?

2. Black-No-More intends to keep open their lying-in hospitals for whom?

3. Where does Matthew want to send Helen in Chapter 8?

4. In Chapter 8, properties that blacks once rented are having to be repaired and updated why?

5. Where did Buggerie leave the summary sheet of the data in Chapter 11?

(see the answer keys)

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