Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Bowden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Bowden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose body was unable to be pulled out of the Super Six One because the nose of the helicopter had crumpled and then buried itself in the soil, causing the body to be wedge in the wreckage?
(a) CWO Cliff 'Elvis' Wolcott's.
(b) Sergeant First Class Randy Rymes.
(c) Chief Warrant Officer Ray Frank.
(d) Private Adalberto Rodriguez.

2. Night vision devices were first used in what war?
(a) Desert Storm.
(b) World War II.
(c) World War I.
(d) Vietnam.

3. What is the motto of the Night Stalkers?
(a) Night Stalkers Don't Quit.
(b) Night Stalkers Are Savage.
(c) Night Stalkers Always Win.
(d) Night Stalkers Unite.

4. Where are the Night Stalkers' Regiment headquarters?
(a) Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
(b) Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
(c) Fort Wainwright, Alaska.
(d) Fort Carson, Colorado.

5. Who gathered the remnants of his Rangers and the few Delta operators on the ground, and directed them to make their way to the first crash site in "Overrun"?
(a) Chief Warrant Officer Ray Frank.
(b) Captain Mike Steele.
(c) Sergeant Scott Galentine.
(d) Master Sergeant Gary Gordon.

6. In "Overrun," the CSAR Black Hawk dropped two medics in front of the alley where what helicopter had gone down?
(a) Super Six One.
(b) Super Six Three.
(c) Super Six Two.
(d) Super Six Five.

7. What did Captain Mike Steele and his men place on the street to direct aircraft to their location in "Overrun"?
(a) Mirrors.
(b) GPS beacons.
(c) Burning debris.
(d) Bright orange panels.

8. Who and his men took up a position on a small tin porch-like structure not far from the crash site in "The Alamo"?
(a) Major Rob Marsh.
(b) First Lieutenant Larry Perino.
(c) Sergeant First Class Randy Shughart.
(d) Master Sergeant Scott Fales.

9. What is a special operations unit of the United States Army that provides helicopter aviation support and are also known as Night Stalkers?
(a) The 18th Special Operations Aviation Regiment.
(b) The 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment.
(c) The 240th Special Operations Aviation Regiment.
(d) The 36th Special Operations Aviation Regiment.

10. What unit had already been at the site where the CSAR medics were dropped and set up a perimeter, killing multiple Somalis to protect the crash site in "Overrun"?
(a) Chalk Four.
(b) Chalk Two.
(c) Chalk Three.
(d) Chalk One.

11. When did President George H.W. Bush order the U.S. Armed Forces to join the U.N. in a joint operation known as Operation Restore Hope, with the primary mission of restoring order in Somalia?
(a) June, 1989.
(b) May, 1990.
(c) October, 1991.
(d) December, 1992.

12. Who wanted to place a big gun in the street, but Steele refused to allow any more of his Rangers to go out into the darkness in "The Alamo"?
(a) The D-boys.
(b) "Alphabet."
(c) The SEALs.
(d) Master Sergeant Gary Gordon.

13. In the context of military special operations, what consists of: "Short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments and which employ specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets"?
(a) Hostile action.
(b) Indirect action.
(c) Non-hostile action.
(d) Direct action.

14. In "The Alamo," the news of Smith's death after repeated requests to have him medivaced out of the area hit many of the men hard, especially who?
(a) Captain Mike Steele.
(b) Private Adalberto Rodriguez.
(c) Sergeant Ed Yurek.
(d) Private First Class Todd Blackburn.

15. What is a military discipline that exploits a number of information collection and analysis approaches to provide guidance and direction to commanders in support of their decisions?
(a) Military Intelligence.
(b) Codebreaker.
(c) Sniper.
(d) Communications Spy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who among Captain Mike Steele's men was hit while radioing for air support in "Overrun"?

2. Who is the manufacturer of Black Hawk helicopters?

3. Who directed the field hospital at the base, choosing who to treat and who was too badly wounded to waste time on in "The Alamo"?

4. Who stripped Specialist John Stebbins' pants from the burns, and handed him a gun after feeding him pain pills in "The Alamo"?

5. Multiple members of Chalk One separated from the other rangers with what team leader in "Overrun"?

(see the answer keys)

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