Black Friday Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Friday Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Carroll meet Colonel Williamson?
(a) The World Trade Center.
(b) The White House.
(c) The Pentagon.
(d) Camp David.

2. What company does Clyde Miller say he will purchase?
(a) NCR.
(b) General Motors.
(c) Ford.
(d) Shell.

3. Where does Anton hold the meeting?
(a) The Pentagon.
(b) The White House.
(c) The Empire State Building.
(d) The World Trade Center.

4. Who is Hudson taken to meet in this section?
(a) President Kearney.
(b) Monserrat.
(c) General Thompson.
(d) Frank Spencer.

5. What does Hudson he ran into after he killed Lizard Man?
(a) A jungle.
(b) A hospital.
(c) A forest.
(d) A cave.

6. Who does Trentkamp say he is working for?
(a) The FBI.
(b) Cuba.
(c) The Russians.
(d) Green Band.

7. How does Williamson know Hudson?
(a) He was his commanding officer.
(b) He was his best friend.
(c) He was his school teacher.
(d) He was his sergeant.

8. Who does President Kearney meet with in Washington?
(a) A twelve member committee.
(b) Vice President Elliott.
(c) David Hudson.
(d) The CIA.

9. Where does Carroll wake up?
(a) On a plane.
(b) In a hospital.
(c) In his bed.
(d) On a roof top.

10. What does Monserrat show Harry?
(a) A red cooking pot.
(b) A film.
(c) A blue cooking pot.
(d) A letter.

11. Where is Mickey Kevin coming home from?
(a) Baseball practise.
(b) University.
(c) Basketball practise.
(d) School.

12. How do Rizzo and Nicolo say each bomb was detonated?
(a) Timer.
(b) Hot wired.
(c) Remotely.
(d) Manually.

13. Why does Thompson say Hudson left the army?
(a) He became a pacifist.
(b) He lost his arm.
(c) He injured a private.
(d) He fell in love.

14. Who had Hudson's file for more than six hours?
(a) President Kearney.
(b) Anton Birnbaum.
(c) Trentkamp.
(d) Vice President Elliott.

15. Who leaves New York City at peace with himself?
(a) Joe Macchio.
(b) David Hudson.
(c) Walter Trentkamp.
(d) Mickey Kevin.

Short Answer Questions

1. What part of his body did Hudson lose in combat?

2. What is the name of the hotel Caitlin and Carroll meet in?

3. Why does Mickey not tell anyone he thought someone was following him?

4. Who does Anton think is involved in Green Band?

5. Where do the vets hit Carroll?

(see the answer keys)

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