The Birthday Party Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Birthday Party Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Stanley tell McCann that his birthday really is?
(a) The next week.
(b) The last month.
(c) The next day.
(d) The next month.

2. What does McCann do when Stanley grabs his arm?
(a) Slaps it away.
(b) Laughs.
(c) Grabs his back.
(d) Cries.

3. What does McCann show gratitude to Goldberg for in Act 1, Part 2?
(a) His niceness.
(b) His sincerity.
(c) His support.
(d) His hospitality.

4. What does McCann whistle in Act 2, Part 1?
(a) A hymn.
(b) A nursery rhyme.
(c) An opera.
(d) An Irish folk song.

5. What do Stanley and Petey discuss when Stanley first comes downstairs?
(a) Family.
(b) The paper.
(c) Sports.
(d) The weather.

6. What does Meg brag to Goldberg and McCann about regarding Stanley?
(a) His singing.
(b) His piano playing.
(c) His looks.
(d) His smarts.

7. Why does Meg say she wishes Stanley would play music for them that day when first meeting Goldberg and McCann?
(a) Because he's so good.
(b) Because he needs practice.
(c) Because it's his birthday.
(d) Because he's leaving soon.

8. Why does Meg become excited in regards to her new tenants in Act 1, Part 2?
(a) Because they liked their room.
(b) Because they complimented her.
(c) Because they brought her a gift.
(d) Because they are good looking.

9. Who does Goldberg tell Meg he had previously spoke with when they first meet?
(a) Petey.
(b) McCann.
(c) Lulu.
(d) Stanley.

10. Which of the following descriptions were not given to Stanley when he first comes down the stairs?
(a) Washed.
(b) In his pajamas.
(c) Wearing glasses.
(d) Unshaven.

11. What does Stanley say in regards to the people talking outside that makes him irritable?
(a) Why they won't come inside.
(b) What they are talking about.
(c) Why they are there.
(d) Why they won't leave.

12. What subject do Stanley and McCann discuss in Act 2, Part 1?
(a) Their children.
(b) Their jobs.
(c) Their family.
(d) The weather.

13. What reason does Stanley give for being anxious in regards to the new tenants in Act 1, Part 2?
(a) He doesn't know why they chose that boardinghouse.
(b) He doesn't trust them.
(c) He knew them back in Ireland.
(d) He doesn't want a crowd.

14. What instrument does Meg say she likes to hear Stanley play?
(a) Guitar.
(b) Flute.
(c) Piano.
(d) Harp.

15. What does Goldberg say he shared with a young woman behind a stadium?
(a) Their love.
(b) A meal.
(c) A kiss.
(d) Watched a sunset.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does McCann say is the only reason he is nervous in Act 1, Part 2?

2. What does Stanley complain about in regards to his breakfast?

3. What is Stanley invited to by the person who brings in the parcel?

4. Who tries to leave after being introduced to the two gentlemen in Act 2, Part 1?

5. What does McCann repeatedly and nervously ask Goldberg regarding the boardinghouse at the beginning of Act 1, Part 2?

(see the answer keys)

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