The Big Bad Wolf Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Big Bad Wolf Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the male part of the couple think the Wolf might be interested in Lizzie?
(a) Her children.
(b) Her unassuming identity.
(c) Her art history degree.
(d) Her sex appeal.

2. What does the couple do to blend in as they are following their next target?
(a) They put on costumes.
(b) They hide in stores.
(c) They purchase several items.
(d) They do not leave their car.

3. Where does Lizzie believe she is?
(a) At a cabin in the north.
(b) In the woods in the west.
(c) In a city in the east.
(d) In a city in the south.

4. How does Potter attempt to put his newly captured victim at ease?
(a) Fixing him a meal.
(b) Talking quietly to him.
(c) Kissing him.
(d) Untying him.

5. What were two reasons that the officials believe the Connelly kidnapping is related to their case?
(a) Race and position in society.
(b) Team kidnapping and lack of ransom demand.
(c) Team kidnapping and broad daylight kidnapping.
(d) No ransom and high position in society.

6. Why does Cross doubt that Farley and his girlfriend abducted Meek or the others?
(a) Farley booby-trapped his own home.
(b) He was in jail during some of the abductions.
(c) The woman only cries.
(d) Farley is a large man.

7. How much had been paid for Audrey?
(a) $200,000.
(b) $150,000.
(c) $250,000.
(d) $100,000.

8. What instrument does Cross's daughter play?
(a) Clarinet.
(b) Flute.
(c) Cello.
(d) Violin.

9. Who does the Wolfe kill in the bar?
(a) Zoya's lover.
(b) One of his former clients.
(c) His ex-wife and her lover.
(d) Lili Olsen.

10. What does the couple's boss scold them for?
(a) Being in the wrong city.
(b) Not bringing him the right girl.
(c) Not reporting in sooner.
(d) Having their cell phones turned off.

11. What does the Wolf accuse Slava and Zoya of doing?
(a) He accuses them of hacking into his website.
(b) He accuses them of kidnapping the wrong person.
(c) He accuses them of making too many mistakes.
(d) He accuses them of selling him out to his enemies.

12. Who requested Cross's presence?
(a) Baltimore police department.
(b) Tony Wood's from the director's office.
(c) Coulter from the Baltimore police.
(d) Nooney, through is secretary.

13. What does Cross see as the commonality among all of the victims in the white slave trade in the US?
(a) They all were married.
(b) They all were wealthy.
(c) They all are white.
(d) They all have lovability.

14. Why does Nooney summon Cross to his office after the newspaper article?
(a) To tell him that he is kicked out of his class.
(b) To apologize for not letting him to go Pennsylvania.
(c) He accuses Cross of leaking the information.
(d) To berate him for skipping classes.

15. Who is waiting for Cross when he returns home that night?
(a) Sampson.
(b) Mahoney.
(c) Donnelley.
(d) Nooney.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened to the Art Director?

2. How does the interrogation start?

3. What happens when Alex comes home from work?

4. How have the law enforcement officials designated the case Cross is now working?

5. How does Farley say he learned about the Meek abduction?

(see the answer keys)

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