Between Shades of Gray Test | Final Test - Hard

Ruta Sepetys
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Between Shades of Gray Test | Final Test - Hard

Ruta Sepetys
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Andrius tell Lina when she sees him as she leaves Mr. Stalas?

2. When are the prisoners taken to the military office?

3. What do Lina and Elena stop doing?

4. Where has the boat crossed when the prisoners start getting excited that they are going to America?

5. What does Elena learn that makes her collapse?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do the prisoners learn about the Japanese and Hitler?

2. What does Elena reveal about Kretsky?

3. What does Elena have Lina do for Mr. Stalas, and what is Lina's response to the task?

4. What do readers learn in the Epilogue?

5. What does Lina learn from the bald man about their captivity?

6. What does Andrius say about his mother and why she is doing what she does?

7. Describe the Christmas celebration.

8. What do the prisoners have to do immediately when they arrive at Trofimovsk?

9. Why are Lina, Elena, and Jonas quiet about the potatoes he brings home that night?

10. What has Hitler done in Lithuania, and what is the bald man's response to the action?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss one of the following:

1. Thoroughly analyze how the setting informs the plot in "Between Shades of Gray".

2. Trace and analyze one major theme of "Between Shades of Gray". How is the theme represented by symbolism? By the characters' behaviors? By the action?

3. Trace and analyze two secondary themes of "Between Shades of Gray". How are the themes represented by symbolism? By the characters' behaviors? By the action?

Essay Topic 2

Between Shades of Gray belongs to the young adult novel genre. Discuss the following:

1. Define the literary term "genre" and give several examples of three other genres in addition to the young adult novel genre.

2. Discuss two reasons why it might be useful to label a text by genre and two reasons it might be disadvantageous to label a text by genre.

3. What do you think is the difference between a young adult historical novel and an adult historical novel mystery?

Essay Topic 3

Choose one of the following to discuss:

1. Choose two significant symbols and trace and analyze their appearance in "Between Shades of Gray". Are these universal symbols? Would they be understood in any culture? Are there other symbols that would portray the same idea? What are they? Why do you think Sepetys chooses the symbols she does?

2. Choose two important metaphors and trace and analyze their appearance in the novel. Are these universal metaphors? Would they be understood in any culture? Are there other metaphors that would portray the same idea? What are they? Why do you think Sepetys chooses the metaphors she does?

3. Discuss Sepetys's use (or lack ) of literary device (such as foreshadowing, cliff hangers, deux ex machina, etc.), and how they add or detract from the story. Does Sepetys use too many or too little literary techniques? State which of the five major elements of fiction the literary device is related to (style, character, plot, setting, theme).

(see the answer keys)

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