Between Shades of Gray Test | Final Test - Easy

Ruta Sepetys
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Between Shades of Gray Test | Final Test - Easy

Ruta Sepetys
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Janina?
(a) A doctor who checks the passengers.
(b) A nurse who checks the passengers.
(c) A little girl who travels with them.
(d) A priest.

2. What does Lina watch Mrs. Rimas do one day?
(a) Feed a pigeon a few crumbs of bread.
(b) Offer Jonas half of her bread ration.
(c) Whisper to a guard.
(d) Cram her entire ration of bread in her mouth at once.

3. What does Janina tell the bald man?
(a) Her family knows his son.
(b) Her family hid his daughter.
(c) Hitler is turning out to be worse than Stalin.
(d) Hitler might be killing Jews.

4. Why does Elena think Kretsky was assigned to go with them to Siberia?
(a) For refusing to divulge information about his family.
(b) She has no idea.
(c) For disobeying a lawful order.
(d) For helping the prisoners.

5. About what does the commander renege?
(a) A promise of an increase in food allotments.
(b) A promise of less hours of work per day.
(c) A promise of freedom after the New Year.
(d) A promise of potatoes for the drawing.

6. What does Mrs. Rimas learn?
(a) That her husband has been shot.
(b) That her daughter is able to get to England.
(c) That her husband is still alive.
(d) That her son is able to get to England.

7. How many people are in their group?
(a) 10.
(b) 101.
(c) 82.
(d) 33.

8. How does Mrs. Arvydas appear?
(a) Hungry.
(b) Nice.
(c) Disheveled.
(d) Upset.

9. What does the grouchy woman provide for the celebration?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Biscuits.
(c) Music.
(d) A brief Christmas story preformance.

10. When are the prisoners taken to the military office?
(a) At their noon break.
(b) Very early one morning.
(c) Right when they get off working.
(d) In the middle of the night.

11. What surprises Lina one night when she turns sixteen?
(a) Elena gives Lina half the family's jfewels that are left.
(b) Andrius kisses Lina.
(c) Kretsky brings a cake for her birthday.
(d) A party in her honor.

12. What does Lina give Andrius for Christmas?
(a) Nothing.
(b) A poem.
(c) The puppy she finds.
(d) A drawing.

13. What does Lina learn about Jonas?
(a) He has been conscripted for Stalin's army.
(b) He has escaped.
(c) He is very ill.
(d) He has been injured.

14. What does Elena say in her letters?
(a) Code to express the conditions.
(b) Nothing; they are not allowed to write.
(c) The conditions are barbaric.
(d) The soldiers beat them regularly.

15. What does a Siberian woman offer?
(a) A dose of vitamins.
(b) The makings of some tea to help Jonas.
(c) A fruit that only grows in that area.
(d) A jar of peaches.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the women act the rest of the day after the soldiers try to scare them?

2. What is Trofimovsk?

3. What does Lina find that she decides to smuggle back to camp?

4. What does Lina learn when she works in the beet field?

5. Who is Ulyushka?

(see the answer keys)

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