Berlin Noir Test | Final Test - Medium

Philip Kerr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Berlin Noir Test | Final Test - Medium

Philip Kerr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who contacts Gunther to thank him for helping his girlfriend?
(a) Konig.
(b) Belinsky.
(c) Shields.
(d) Poroshin.

2. Who does Gunther do a background check on that reveals he is in the SS and a fanatical anti-Semite?
(a) Dr. Rahn.
(b) Herr Weisthor.
(c) Reinhard Lange.
(d) Kurt Hildegard.

3. Who is Hildegard Steininger?
(a) The lover of Rolf Vogelmann.
(b) The widowed mother of another missing girl.
(c) The sister of Dr. Rahn.
(d) The daughter of Lange.

4. What does Gunther believe that Eddy Holl and Max Abs worked for?
(a) Russian intelligence group.
(b) SS headquarters.
(c) Counter-Intelligence Corps.
(d) South German Industries.

5. Who is Gunther married to?
(a) Emil.
(b) Inge.
(c) Kirsten.
(d) Amy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Gunther met by in Vienna upon his arrival in Chapter 10?

2. Who is Lotte?

3. When Gunther finds a file on himself, what is he called in the file?

4. Who does Vogelmann introduce Gunther to?

5. What is Reinhard able to recover on his own?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Gunther kill Nebe and escape?

2. What does Gunther learn from Dr. Kindermann about Inge?

3. What was Becker's assignment and who did he meet with?

4. What do the American counter-intelligence officers want from Gunther?

5. Who is Neumann and what does he tell Gunther that helps him in his case?

6. What is revealed in the seance about a dead teenager?

7. What does Gunther learn about the American company in Pullach?

8. Describe how Captain Linden and Becker meet.

9. What does Gunther do to discover more about Vogelmann and what does he find?

10. What does Gunther hear after the seance?

(see the answer keys)

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