Berlin Noir Test | Final Test - Easy

Philip Kerr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Berlin Noir Test | Final Test - Easy

Philip Kerr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Gunther learn about the company in Pullach?
(a) It is sponsored by Russians.
(b) It is sponsored by Italians.
(c) It is sponsored by Jews.
(d) It is sponsored by Americans.

2. Who is Traudl Braunsteiner?
(a) Becker's girlfriend.
(b) Nazi secretary.
(c) Konig's wife.
(d) Dr. Liebl's patient.

3. Who did Belinsky fight with that he does not want Gunther to talk to?
(a) Konig.
(b) Holl.
(c) Abs.
(d) Shields.

4. Who is Gunther met by in Vienna upon his arrival in Chapter 10?
(a) Dr. Liebl.
(b) Becker.
(c) John Shields.
(d) Konig.

5. From whom does Gunther receive a letter begging for a reconciliation?
(a) His wife.
(b) His boss.
(c) His former lover.
(d) His father.

6. What is the fee that Gunther charges to take on the case?
(a) $5,000.
(b) $10,000.
(c) $7,500.
(d) $2,000.

7. Who is Hildegard Steininger?
(a) The sister of Dr. Rahn.
(b) The daughter of Lange.
(c) The lover of Rolf Vogelmann.
(d) The widowed mother of another missing girl.

8. Who is Gunther shocked to find when he goes with Konig to a small village outside Vienna?
(a) Arthur Nebe.
(b) Reinhard Lange.
(c) Dr. Kindelmann.
(d) Captain Linden.

9. Who bears a resemblance to Streicher?
(a) Rahn.
(b) Himmler.
(c) Weistor.
(d) Vogelmann.

10. What does John Belinsky work for?
(a) Counter-Intelligence Corps.
(b) Russian intelligence group.
(c) SS headquarters.
(d) South German Industries.

11. Who does Gunther meet before he leaves for Vienna who works as a guard at a prison?
(a) Neumann.
(b) Himmler.
(c) Dieter.
(d) Dr. Rahn.

12. Who is the weakest link in the secret anti-Semitic group?
(a) Rahn.
(b) Vogelmann.
(c) Weistor.
(d) Reinhard Lange.

13. Who does Gunther rescue from being raped by two German soldiers?
(a) Maria.
(b) Eva.
(c) Veronika.
(d) Lotte.

14. Who does Gunther find out takes cocaine?
(a) Weistor.
(b) Himmler.
(c) Rahn.
(d) Vogelmann.

15. Who does Gunther pose as to deceive Vogelmann?
(a) The priest for confession.
(b) The father of a missing girl.
(c) The psychiatrist for the children.
(d) The drug dealer in town.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is a car dealer at a local casino in Pullach?

2. Despite the perpetrators being taken away by police, why is Gunther's satisfaction short-lived?

3. When Becker opened a package, what was he surprised to find instead of drugs?

4. Who is the private investigator hired by the parents?

5. Why was Inge taking cocaine?

(see the answer keys)

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