Benazir Bhutto: From Prison to Prime Minister Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Libby Hughes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Benazir Bhutto: From Prison to Prime Minister Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Libby Hughes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Benazir Bhutto: From Prison to Prime Minister Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Ten, Making Democracy Work and Afterward.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Bhutto's marriage bypassed several Muslim customs including ________.
(a) Taking the husband's name.
(b) Keeping her father's name.
(c) Taking her mother's name.
(d) Keeping her mother's name.

2. Once she arrived at Harvard, Benazir decided to major in _________, pleasing her father in the process.
(a) International Business.
(b) International Politics.
(c) Comparative Government.
(d) Radical Government.

3. After her sister's wedding, Benazir wrote a letter to _______, who had tried to see her on the order of the U.S. Government.
(a) Reagan.
(b) Bhutto.
(c) Zia.
(d) Galbraith.

4. Despite the coup, Prime Minister Bhutto and the ______ remained popular to the general public.
(a) PRP.
(b) PPR.
(c) PPP.
(d) APP.

5. Benazir originally struggled with the dirty appearance of Americans, but eventually began to wear ______ and sweatshirts.
(a) Skirts.
(b) Blue jeans.
(c) Shorts.
(d) Slacks.

Short Answer Questions

1. Bhutto promised to _______ of the United States not to become a nuclear power in exchange for military and economic aid.

2. Benazir's father was angry when the Security Council _________ in response to his pleas.

3. Shah and his wife _______ were living in Cannes. Benazir received a call from his wife stating that Shah had accidentally taken poison.

4. After Benazir left Pakistan she met her mother and ______ in the airport in Geneva.

5. Shortly after her arrival back in Pakistan, Benazir was pushed towards the _______ which her father had built to symbolize Pakistan's birth.

(see the answer key)

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