Beloved Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beloved Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the newspaper article about?
(a) Sethe saving a drowning dog
(b) Sethe murdering her child
(c) Sethe escaping from Sweet Home
(d) Sethe getting married

2. Why does Stamp Paid think that nobody warned Sethe about the men coming to take her back to Sweet Home?
(a) Because they thought Baby Suggs was putting on airs
(b) Because they were afraid
(c) Because they didn't like Sethe
(d) Because the men had paid them to keep quiet

3. What kind of men does Beloved remember bringing her food and water?
(a) Clowns
(b) Men without legs
(c) Men without arms
(d) Men without skin

4. Who was the woman that Beloved saw putting leaves in a basket?
(a) Sethe
(b) Denver
(c) Baby Suggs
(d) Janey

5. What sort of building is Paul D sitting outside of?
(a) A restaurant
(b) A factory
(c) A store
(d) A church

6. What has Sethe spent all her savings on?
(a) A wedding dress
(b) Party cakes
(c) Bits of ribbon and clothes for Beloved
(d) Diamond earrings for Beloved

7. From whose point of view is this chapter written?
(a) Denver
(b) Paul D
(c) Beloved
(d) Sethe

8. What does Sethe make so she and Beloved can enjoy good times together?
(a) Make up
(b) A swing
(c) Plans of their days
(d) New clothes

9. Whose face is that Beloved thinks she has lost?
(a) Sethe's
(b) Baby Suggs's
(c) Beloved's
(d) Denver's

10. Why does Morrison say Sethe, Denver, and Paul D forget Beloved?
(a) Because she feeds on their anxiety
(b) Because she was nothing but trouble
(c) Because it is better than remembering her
(d) Because when they remember she appears

11. Who does Paul D say has offered him a place to stay?
(a) The church minister
(b) Janey
(c) Beloved
(d) The slaughterhouse owner

12. What does Sethe decide about Beloved?
(a) That she wants to kill her
(b) That she is her enemy
(c) That she is a ghost
(d) That she is her daughter

13. What does Stamp Paid show Paul D?
(a) A letter from his children
(b) His scars
(c) A photo of his wife
(d) A newspaper clipping about Sethe

14. Whose body does Stamp say he had to carry out of 124?
(a) The schoolteacher's nephew's
(b) Halle's
(c) Baby Suggs
(d) Beloved

15. Who does Paul D say he envies?
(a) A family of slaves that managed to stay together
(b) Beloved
(c) Halle
(d) Stamp Paid

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Sethe try to kill Denver?

2. What happened to Beloved when Sethe became thinner?

3. How does Sethe know Beloved is her child?

4. Why don't the party goers like Baby Suggs?

5. Why does Paul D think the article must be sensational?

(see the answer keys)

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