Belle Prater's Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

Ruth White
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Belle Prater's Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

Ruth White
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Woodrow come to get Gypsy at her window at night in Chapter 21?
(a) To go to a party.
(b) To hunt for night crawlers.
(c) To run around with Blind Benny.
(d) To go skinny dipping.

2. How does Gypsy feel being out at night with Woodrow and Blind Benny?
(a) Scared.
(b) Happy.
(c) Bored.
(d) Apprehensive.

3. At the wienie roast, Buzz tells a story about a woman who found a _______________ in a can of tomatoes.
(a) dollar bill.
(b) finger.
(c) ring.
(d) mouse.

4. Who goes with Gypsy to get her hair cut into a pixie style?
(a) Woodrow.
(b) Belle.
(c) Porter.
(d) Love.

5. What about Woodrow's appearance does Buzz make fun of?
(a) His eyes.
(b) His hair.
(c) His stutter.
(d) His ears.

6. Woodrow tells Gypsy that he and his mother had been saving money for ___________________.
(a) an operation to fix his eyes.
(b) his college fund.
(c) a vacation to Hawaii.
(d) a new car.

7. What happens to Mrs. Cooper after she has talked to Woodrow for awhile?
(a) She berates him for being an upstart.
(b) She starts to feel ill.
(c) She becomes louder and happier.
(d) She starts to cry.

8. What is Porter's response when Gypsy asks what he thinks happened to Belle?
(a) She was probably taken away by some sinister character in an unfortunate turn of events.
(b) She always wanted to be a concert pianist and I think she is working on that dream.
(c) She disappeared a long time ago and is out in the world trying to find herself.
(d) She tried to stay in her marriage as long as she could and she reached her point.

9. What was Amos' nickname for Gypsy?
(a) Gypsy Girl.
(b) Princess.
(c) Chocolate Gyp.
(d) Beauty.

10. What does the person in #91 say that he recalls Amos doing with Gypsy when she was younger?
(a) Playing in the park.
(b) Singing to her.
(c) Going to the carnival.
(d) Taking walks in town.

11. What does Gypsy do after she cuts off all her hair?
(a) Cries for her mother.
(b) Throws the hair in the fireplace.
(c) Covers her mirror.
(d) Walks proudly down the main street of town.

12. How old will Gypsy be on her birthday?
(a) 13.
(b) 11.
(c) 19.
(d) 16.

13. Woodrow tells Gypsy that Belle is still alive because she took some of his clothes and ______________________.
(a) her jewelry.
(b) the money they were saving for his operation.
(c) a shotgun.
(d) the old car.

14. What announcement does Porter make that happily surprises Woodrow?
(a) Woodrow is going on vacation to Hawaii with them.
(b) Woodrow has been granted a scholarship to college.
(c) The family is going to pay to have a doctor correct Woodrow's eyes.
(d) Porter knows where Bell is.

15. What excuse does Gypsy give for her pixie haircut?
(a) It is better suited for cheerleading.
(b) It shows off her facial features better.
(c) It is a better cut for the Summer.
(d) It is popular in New York.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of liquor did Woodrow tell Mrs. Cooper was in her drink?

2. In addition to anger at her father for killing himself, Gypsy also cut her hair ______________________.

3. What did Blind Benny do after his parents died when he was twelve?

4. What does Gypsy tell Woodrow they will do when she is better?

5. What does Gypsy do in a rage when thinking about finding her father dead?

(see the answer keys)

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