Behold the Dreamers Test | Final Test - Easy

Imbolo Mbue
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Behold the Dreamers Test | Final Test - Easy

Imbolo Mbue
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Leah's plan after Lehman's collapse?
(a) Move to California.
(b) Go back to college.
(c) Stay with Clark and be his assistant.
(d) Take time off and visit her sister in Florida.

2. Where does Neni go in Chapter 41?
(a) To Betty's house.
(b) To church to see Natasha.
(c) Cindy's apartment.
(d) To see her professor.

3. Why does Neni refuse the job that Vince offers her?
(a) She wants to stay far from the Clarks.
(b) She already has a new job lined up.
(c) She secretly does not like Mighty.
(d) She knows she cannot do that to Cindy.

4. Who is Amos?
(a) Neni's new professor.
(b) The assistant pastor at Neni's church.
(c) Neni's doctor.
(d) Neni's best friend.

5. Why does Jende bring Clark to the same hotel over and over?
(a) He is trying to find a new job.
(b) He does not want to go home, so he's been sleeping there.
(c) His sister is staying there.
(d) He is sleeping with prostitutes.

6. What do Jende and Winston discuss in Chapter 35?
(a) If Jende read the article about Clark in the paper.
(b) Whether or not to trust Bubakar.
(c) If Jende and Neni will have more children.
(d) When Jende will return to Africa.

7. Who tells Jende the news about the gossip article?
(a) Leah.
(b) Betty.
(c) Cindy.
(d) Vince.

8. What do the Jonga's name their new daughter?
(a) Jenganin.
(b) Ninana.
(c) Neni.
(d) Amtimba.

9. Who calls Neni in Chapter 45?
(a) Mighty.
(b) Cindy.
(c) Vince.
(d) Clark.

10. What job does Jende end up getting after working for the Clarks?
(a) A driver for another former Lehman executive.
(b) A janitor.
(c) He can not find another job at all.
(d) A dishwasher in two restaurants.

11. What does Jende dream about in Chapter 26?
(a) The airport.
(b) The Brooklyn Bridge.
(c) Money Doublers.
(d) The Limousine he drives.

12. Who loses her job because of Lehman's collapse?
(a) Leah.
(b) Anna.
(c) Neni.
(d) Stacy.

13. How is Mr. Clark identifiable in the article about the prostitution?
(a) His physical description.
(b) His full name.
(c) His comments.
(d) His title.

14. Why do Jende and Neni fight in Chapter 36?
(a) Neni calls him a jerk.
(b) Neni told Natasha about their immigration problems.
(c) Neni does not want to go back to Africa.
(d) Neni wants to go back to work.

15. When Jende questions Cindy's request, what does she tell him to consider?
(a) His family in Africa.
(b) Mighty.
(c) His pregnant wife and his new baby.
(d) His immigration status.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Neni worried about with Jende for the first time in Chapter 36?

2. What does Clark tell Jende in Chapter 38?

3. What gift does Neni give CIndy?

4. Where is Clark when Cindy dies?

5. What dessert does Neni make for Christmas?

(see the answer keys)

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