Bee Season: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Myla Goldberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Bee Season: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Myla Goldberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of Saul's suggestions start to frustrate Eliza during the competition?
(a) Let the letters show you where to go.
(b) Touch the letters before you speak them.
(c) Answer immediately and without thinking.
(d) Always smile at the judge before you answer.

2. What word does Miriam first discover as a child?
(a) Perfectimundo.
(b) Callous.
(c) Stupendous.
(d) Collage.

3. What does the red-hair girl's whispered mantra sound like to Eliza?
(a) Mr bear, my my bear.
(b) Blow me down, blow me down
(c) Funny bones, funny bones.
(d) Little pigs, little pigs.

4. How does Sinna Bhagudor start helping out Eliza in this section?
(a) By helping her practice for the spelling bee contest.
(b) By lending her money for a bus.
(c) By pushing away the people who want to bully her.
(d) By saving her a seat in the lunchroom.

5. What kind of Christian church does Aaron visit in this section?
(a) A Baptist Church.
(b) A Methodist Church.
(c) A Catholic Church.
(d) A Mormon Church.

6. What does every teacher tell every child to do at precisely 11 am at McKinley Elementary School?
(a) To call their parents.
(b) To stand.
(c) To sit.
(d) To start work.

7. What does Aaron's father present him with at his bar mitzvah?
(a) A trumpet.
(b) A ticket to Israel.
(c) A torah.
(d) A 12 string guitar.

8. What seeps into Aaron's skin and infuses his blood?
(a) His father's pride.
(b) His Jewishness.
(c) His sister's success.
(d) His new girlfriend.

9. What does Miriam give Eliza to wear for the spelling bee contest?
(a) A blouse.
(b) A ballgown.
(c) A miniskirt.
(d) A summer dress.

10. Where does the national spelling bee take place?
(a) Washington DC.
(b) Seattle.
(c) New York.
(d) Pittsburgh.

11. What did Saul discover at the same time as LSD?
(a) Women.
(b) Jewish mysticism.
(c) Writing.
(d) The Beatles.

12. What duty has Saul never shirked?
(a) Child listener.
(b) Family cook.
(c) Family banker.
(d) Child chauffeur.

13. What does Tikkan Olam mean?
(a) The unfixing of earth.
(b) The fixing of the world.
(c) The lost pieces of the lost world.
(d) The beauty of the sun.

14. What did Aaron see when he was eight years old?
(a) A murder.
(b) The devil.
(c) God.
(d) A rape.

15. In which game does Miriam first experience her favorite word?
(a) Scrabble.
(b) Skipping rope.
(c) Tag.
(d) Hopscotch.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Dutch governess give Miriam for her birthday?

2. What does Saul tell Aaron he has just been reading about?

3. What was the first item Miriam stole?

4. What does Saul overhear the woman say her son has been identified as?

5. How did Miriam's parents die?

(see the answer keys)

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