Beautiful Redemption Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kami Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beautiful Redemption Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kami Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who speaks to Ethan as he tries to find his way to Lena, saying “Whatcha doin’ there, boy?” in Chapter 3: "This Side or the Next"?
(a) Mrs. Lincoln
(b) Mrs. Winifred
(c) Sarafine
(d) Genevieve

2. What word is used in the novel to describe when the characters are telepathically communicating?
(a) Kelting
(b) Empathing
(c) Evanescing
(d) Necromancing

3. What Celtic symbol adorns Ethan’s mother’s grave in Chapter 3: "This Side or the Next"?
(a) Pan
(b) Phoenix
(c) Awen
(d) Oden

4. What is the answer to the clue Ethan puts in the crossword puzzle for six down: “As in, parochial. Local. Insular. The place we’re stuck, whether in the Otherworld or the Mortal one” in Chapter 9: "Stars and Stripes"?
(a) Malvern
(b) Jackson
(c) Gatlin
(d) Cleveland

5. What route does Ethan instinctively look for as he heads toward Main Street in Chapter 3: "This Side or the Next"?
(a) Route 18
(b) Route 9
(c) Route 66
(d) Route 7

Short Answer Questions

1. What book by Jack Kerouac does Ethan pull from the pile of books under his bed in Chapter 1: "Home"?

2. What title does Ethan say his mother had in Chapter 2: "Fried Green Tomatoes"?

3. Where does Genevieve say they took Ethan Carter Wate in Chapter 6: "Silver Button"?

4. In the prologue to the book, “Beginning Again,” Lena reveals that Ethan was killed when he jumped off of what?

5. What are the songs called that Ethan’s mother says she sent him in Chapter 2: "Fried Green Tomatoes"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are Twyla and Sulla doing when Ethan encounters them in Chapter 13: "Where the Crow Carries You"? Who are these characters?

2. How is the Otherworld arranged in terms of where the inhabitants exist? How are the houses described?

3. What plot does Ethan instigate in order to send messages to Lena in Chapter 9: "Stars and Stripes"?

4. What is Ethan’s first message that he sends to Lena in Chapter 9: "Stars and Stripes"?

5. What information is related in the Prologue: “Beginning Again? What tone is established in this opening?

6. How is Ethan’s journey described once he’s crossed the river in Part One: “Ethan”? Who does he encounter after the River Master?

7. How does Ethan's mother feel about her son's journey in Chapter 14: "Messed-Up Things"?

8. How does Ethan go about communicating with Lena in Chapter 12: "Still Here"?

9. How long has it been since Ethan has seen his mother? How does he feel about their reunion in Chapter 2: "Fried Green Tomatoes"?

10. What does Ethan obtain from the Greats when he visits them in the Otherworld in Chapter 13: "Where the Crow Carries You"?

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