Beautiful Losers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beautiful Losers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the narrator begin to do incessantly in Chapter 25 of "A History of Them All"?
(a) Pleasures himself.
(b) Break things in his apartment.
(c) Washes his hands.
(d) Sings.

2. What does F. chastise the narrator for in Chapter 9 of "A History of Them All"?
(a) To not feel guilty about their sexual activity.
(b) To not feel guilty about cheating on Edith.
(c) To embrace his homosexuality.
(d) To stop being hypocrites.

3. What does F. suggest to the narrator in Chapter 12 of "A History of Them All"?
(a) To leave the city.
(b) An oral act of intimacy.
(c) Daily intimacy.
(d) To pleasure himself.

4. What does the narrator do in Chapter 23 of "A History of Them All"?
(a) Goes to church.
(b) Calls to F. and Edith.
(c) Speaks incessently of Edith.
(d) Says a prayer to God.

5. What body part does the narrator think about of Edith's in Chapter 12 of "A History of Them All"?
(a) Her fingers.
(b) Her breasts.
(c) Her ears.
(d) Her navel.

6. What does the narrator tell Edith in Chapter 41 of "A History of Them All"?
(a) He loves her.
(b) He is angered by her infidelity.
(c) He hates her.
(d) He misses her.

7. What covers the narrator's apartment in Chapter 24 of "A History of Them All"?
(a) Oil.
(b) Dust.
(c) Soap.
(d) Ash.

8. What plan does F. use to lose weight and gain muscle in Chapter 29 of "A History of Them All"?
(a) The Charles Axis fitness plan.
(b) The CA weight loss program.
(c) Protein shake plan.
(d) The Axis Charles fitness plan.

9. What does the narrator recall F. saying in Chapter 4 of "A History of Them All"?
(a) He is sexually charged.
(b) He loves Edith.
(c) He wants to have sex with the narrator.
(d) He longs to have sex with a saint.

10. What does F. go on a tirade about in Chapter 6 of "A History of Them All"?
(a) He wants Edith back.
(b) The narrator's sex life.
(c) The narrator relating the Greeks to the Indians.
(d) He wants more affection from the narrator.

11. What does the priest tell Catherine in Chapter 37 of "A History of Them All"?
(a) He is gay himself.
(b) He loves her.
(c) She needs to bear his child.
(d) Their way of life is coming to an end.

12. What item does Catherine give the person who enters her tent?
(a) Consummation of marriage.
(b) Love.
(c) A token or appreciation.
(d) A transference of religion.

13. To what office has F. been elected?
(a) Parliament.
(b) Priest of the tribe.
(c) To lead the Canadian army.
(d) President.

14. What does the narrator recall about Edith in Chapter 20 of "A History of Them All"?
(a) Her infidelity.
(b) The way she smiled.
(c) The night Edith killed herself.
(d) The way she laughed.

15. To what does the narrator compare the living situations of the Iroquois?
(a) Packed like sardines.
(b) The beginning days of civilization.
(c) As nice as the streets of New York City.
(d) A movie theatre at night, stifling its sexuality.

Short Answer Questions

1. The narrator has lost ____________.

2. What does the narrator light in Chapter 21 of "A History of Them All"?

3. Who cannot find Catherine as she flees to the forest in Chapter 16 of "A History of Them All"?

4. Who had their hearts eaten by the Canadian tribes' chiefs?

5. What does the narrator inventory in Chapter 21 of "A History of Them All"?

(see the answer keys)

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