Beautiful Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

David Sheff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beautiful Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

David Sheff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of facility is St. Helena Hospital?
(a) A drug rehabilitation facility.
(b) A medical hospital.
(c) A psychiatric hospital.
(d) An animal hospital.

2. After begging his father to be put into another rehab program just after his near-fatal overdose, Nic takes what action?
(a) He has a stroke.
(b) He assaults a nurse.
(c) He calls his grandfather and asks for money.
(d) He rips out his IVs and leaves the hospital against doctors' orders.

3. What object is kept on Nic's bedside table at St. Helena's Hospital?
(a) A King James Bible.
(b) A nightlight.
(c) The Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book.
(d) His light therapy machine.

4. From what location had Nic been calling when he contacted a particular person during his long period of being missing?
(a) Denver.
(b) San Francisco.
(c) Salt Lake City.
(d) Billings.

5. When David is at his wits' end with no news about Nic, who says they have been contacted by Nic?
(a) Jasper.
(b) Daisy.
(c) Alexandra.
(d) Z.

6. About how many people does David say attend the first Al-Anon meeting that he and Karen attend?
(a) A few.
(b) A score.
(c) A dozen.
(d) A handful.

7. What is NOT one of the three C's taught by Al-Anon?
(a) You can care too much.
(b) You cannot cure it.
(c) You did not cause it.
(d) You cannot control it.

8. Who ends up helping Nic pay the debt he owes due to stealing checks from a family friend?
(a) Charles.
(b) David.
(c) Z.
(d) Vicki.

9. Nic's grandfather had died from years of abuse of what substance?
(a) Barbiturates.
(b) Cocaine.
(c) Methamphetamine.
(d) Alcohol.

10. At what location do David and Nic agree to meet the day that Nic is very late?
(a) The library.
(b) Steps of Rome restaurant.
(c) Fisherman's Wharf.
(d) The Exploratorium.

11. Who is the author of the book Addict in the Family?
(a) Beverly Conyers.
(b) Saul Zaentz.
(c) Charlie Kaufman.
(d) Van Morrison.

12. What approach to addiction treatment rewards sobriety with small cash payments or vouchers for everyday needs?
(a) The Bosnian Approach.
(b) The Skinnerian Approach.
(c) The Maslownian Response.
(d) The Freudian Response.

13. In what type of residence does Nic live while he is attending Hampshire College?
(a) A house off campus.
(b) A sober-living dormitory.
(c) An apartment on campus.
(d) With his grandparents.

14. What is the name for an object, situation, person, or feeling that creates overwhelming feeling of craving in an addict?
(a) A tone.
(b) A cue.
(c) A signal.
(d) A phase.

15. In what town do Karen and David attend their first Al-Anon meeting?
(a) San Juan Batista.
(b) Santa Clarita.
(c) Novato.
(d) Florence.

Short Answer Questions

1. Studies have shown that what elements "change an addict's vital signs" (206)?

2. After closing one of its branches, the Hazelden does continue to run an outpatient program in what location?

3. The program into which Nic checks at Hazelden will last at least how long?

4. What word have Nic and David always used to affirm their love for one another?

5. What movie does David describe seeing as a portrait of "a wretched alcoholic" (180)?

(see the answer keys)

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