Beat to Quarters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Beat to Quarters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Polwheal?
(a) 1st lieutenant
(b) Hornblower's steward
(c) a red-haired half-wit
(d) the ship surgeon

2. Until Lydia had made harbor what was the favorite dish in the midshipman's berth?
(a) canned goods
(b) rats
(c) fish
(d) stale bread

3. How far above the deck is the foremast gallant top?
(a) 140' above the deck.
(b) 125' above the deck.
(c) 130' above the deck.
(d) 40' above the deck.

4. How would you describe the physical appearance of El Supremo?
(a) a large man with greying hair
(b) a thin, intellectual-looking man who was balding
(c) a swarthy, tanned wild-looking man
(d) a small, unimpressive man with lank black hair

5. Where exactly in South America was Hornblower expected to open trade for England?
(a) in the whole west coast of South America
(b) in Peru
(c) across the Isthmus of Darien
(d) in Ecuador

6. Who is Gerard?
(a) steward
(b) warrant officer
(c) the ship's surgeon
(d) 2nd lieutenant

7. What did the burgoo the captain ate for breakfast consist of?
(a) a mixture of mashed biscuit crumbs and minced salt beef
(b) dry bread crusts and milk
(c) rum and scones
(d) black extract of burnt bread

8. What does Hornblower see on his way to the palace?
(a) a native wedding procession
(b) a herd of wild boar
(c) dead and near-dead men shackled in the sun
(d) strange exotic foliage

9. Who comes aboard Lydia in a small craft to speak with Hornblower?
(a) Manuel Hernandez
(b) Don Juan
(c) Hernandez Lopez
(d) El Suprempo

10. A how-many-gun salute does El Supremo demand he have on boarding Lydia?
(a) 21
(b) 23
(c) 20
(d) 19

11. What did Hornblower feel bred mutiny?
(a) a long period of rough seas
(b) boredom
(c) lack of food
(d) long, idle days

12. What does Captain Hornblower do at the same time every morning?
(a) He climbs the foremast.
(b) He drills his crew.
(c) He takes to the quarter deck and paces for an hour.
(d) He commands Lydia to beat to quarters.

13. What did the flag that Natividad now flew look like?
(a) green with a yellow star in the middle
(b) black with a red star in the middle
(c) blue with a yellow star in the middle
(d) yellow with a blue star in the middle

14. What was the only land Hornblower had had a glimpse of during the seven-month voyage?
(a) Argentina
(b) Cape Horn
(c) the Falkand islands
(d) Cape Fear

15. What did Hornblower do when he didn't know how to respond to something someone said?
(a) He blushed
(b) He agreed with whatever was said
(c) He cleared his throat with a "Ha-----h'm"
(d) He lied

Short Answer Questions

1. Who replaced Hankey, the surgeon who died before the novel opened?

2. How many guns does the H.M.S. Lydia have on board?

3. What made the whole crew of Lydia spring into action on approaching Natividad?

4. Who was Galbraith?

5. Hornblower was ordered to form an alliance with whom in rebellion against Spain?

(see the answer keys)

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