Beat to Quarters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Beat to Quarters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Hornblower conclude Lydia has made perfect landfall?
(a) on the coast of Ecuador
(b) on the Gulf of Fonseca
(c) on the Gulf of Sequia
(d) on the coast of Nicaragua

2. What were the huts that Hornblower saw on his way to the palace made of?
(a) palmettos
(b) wood
(c) mud
(d) local volcanic stone

3. Until Lydia had made harbor what was the favorite dish in the midshipman's berth?
(a) stale bread
(b) canned goods
(c) rats
(d) fish

4. Hornblower was ordered to form an alliance with whom in rebellion against Spain?
(a) Ship Captain Andrade
(b) Vice Admiral Don Cristobal de Crespo
(c) the Spaniards
(d) Don Julian Alvarado

5. Who was the first member of the crew to be publicly flogged?
(a) Lieutenant Samuel Simmonds
(b) Hornblower's steward, Polwheal
(c) a red-headed Irishman who played the fiddle
(d) Owen, a half-wit

6. With what country had Spain recently sided against England?
(a) Belgium
(b) Germany
(c) France
(d) Holland

7. What does Hernandez mean by "unenlightened" men?
(a) men who have never attended school
(b) men who deny El Supremo's divinity
(c) men who cannot read
(d) non-religious men

8. Who comes aboard Lydia in a small craft to speak with Hornblower?
(a) Manuel Hernandez
(b) Hernandez Lopez
(c) Don Juan
(d) El Suprempo

9. Where exactly in South America was Hornblower expected to open trade for England?
(a) in the whole west coast of South America
(b) in Peru
(c) across the Isthmus of Darien
(d) in Ecuador

10. What does El Supremo want the two ships to do after Natividad is captured?
(a) capture treasure ships together and split the treasure
(b) sail as a fleet, capture La Libertad then all Nicaragua
(c) sail to Spain to fight a rebellion against Spain
(d) sail to Peru and confer about future maneuvers

11. What does Captain Hornblower do at the same time every morning?
(a) He commands Lydia to beat to quarters.
(b) He climbs the foremast.
(c) He takes to the quarter deck and paces for an hour.
(d) He drills his crew.

12. How many decks did the Spanish ship Natividad have?
(a) four
(b) one
(c) three
(d) two

13. Who was Galbraith?
(a) steward, originally from Wales
(b) 3rd Lieutenant originally from Scotland
(c) helmsman
(d) coxswain, originally from Ireland

14. Who is Polwheal?
(a) Hornblower's steward
(b) 1st lieutenant
(c) a red-haired half-wit
(d) the ship surgeon

15. Hornblower had been how many years at sea?
(a) 25
(b) 19
(c) 17
(d) 20

Short Answer Questions

1. What had long been a dream of the British government?

2. Why does Hornblower think he was selected for this mission?

3. How is Lydia successful in taking Natividad?

4. In the restocking of Lydia, what did Hernandez provide instead of flour?

5. What request did Hornblower make of El Supremo?

(see the answer keys)

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