The Beast in the Jungle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Beast in the Jungle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the house John is visiting in Chapter 1?
(a) Weatherend.
(b) Le Manse.
(c) Terra.
(d) Fountainbleu.

2. What does John say is the one desire he has left at the end of Chapter 4?
(a) To be alone.
(b) To be rich.
(c) That he shouldn't have been sold.
(d) To be happy.

3. What does the book say May had secretly drawn around her near the end of Chapter 2?
(a) A mystic line.
(b) A wall.
(c) An imaginary line.
(d) A boundary.

4. What does John say the rest of the world thought of him as, but that May understands?
(a) Silly.
(b) Odd.
(c) Strange.
(d) Queer.

5. Complete this sentence: "Not indeed that I in the least connect with my impression the _______ name you use".
(a) Occipital.
(b) Invidious.
(c) Silly.
(d) Serious.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does May tell John they actually met?

2. What does John say he took the measurement of in the interest of his and May's nerves in Chapter 3?

3. Other than when May takes her aunt to town, what is the other occasion in which John is able to see her during their visits in Chapter 2?

4. What does John say he might have tasted with every sauce?

5. What quality of May's does John claim she has "finer" than him?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the interaction between John and May when he believes she is not telling him something regarding the "Beast" at the end of Chapter 2.

2. How does May respond when John asks her what saved her in Chapter 3?

3. What is the nature of the exchange between John and May at the end of Chapter 4?

4. In what ways does John describe how his change from his old self is final and absolute in Chapter 5?

5. How does John describe seeing the Beast and how does he react to this at the end of Chapter 6?

6. How does May respond when John asks her what was the very worst that could happen to him that day at the beginning of Chapter 4?

7. What is the nature of John's realization in regards to passion in Chapter 6?

8. What reasons does John give for taking May to the opera at the beginning of Chapter 3?

9. What does May say about her and John's first meeting that causes him embarrassment in Chapter 1?

10. What is the nature of May's speech to John after he asks if the reveal of his secret had passed him by in Chapter 5?

(see the answer keys)

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