Barabbas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Barabbas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Eliahu die?
(a) The Christians stone him.
(b) Barbabbas hurls him off a cliff.
(c) The Roman crucify him.
(d) The fat woman poisions him.

2. What was inscribed on the front of Sahak's slave medallion?
(a) The mark of the Roman state.
(b) Symbols that represent Jesus' name.
(c) His own name, written in Hebrew.
(d) The name of the mine owner.

3. When is the body of the murder victim discovered?
(a) After the stoning is over.
(b) Moments after the murder.
(c) Three days later.
(d) The next day.

4. What does Sahak show the one-eyed slave?
(a) The scar on his leg.
(b) An escape route.
(c) His copy of the Scriptures.
(d) The inscription on the back of his medallion.

5. Where do Barabbas and Sahak sleep at night?
(a) On low planks of wood outside the mine.
(b) In the cave, near the mill.
(c) Underground, in the mine.
(d) Beside the smelting pit.

6. What explanation does Barabbas give the governor for having "Christos Iesus" inscribed on the back of his medallion?
(a) He belongs to Jesus.
(b) The medallion was inscribed when he got it.
(c) Sahak offered him food in return for the inscription.
(d) He wants to believe, but does not.

7. Who is the "great prophet" that Sahak refers to?
(a) Jesus.
(b) Mohammed.
(c) Ra.
(d) John.

8. Who releases Barabbas and Sahak from the mines?
(a) The red-bearded man.
(b) Their owner.
(c) The overseer.
(d) The Emperor.

9. What happens to Sahak when he refuses to renounce his faith before the governor?
(a) He is beaten and sold to the mine owner.
(b) He is sent to the dungeon.
(c) He is whipped and chained to the mill wheel.
(d) He is led away to be executed.

10. How old is Barabbas when he becomes a slave in a Roman governor's house?
(a) In his mid thirties.
(b) In his early forties.
(c) In his late sixties.
(d) Well into his fifties.

11. Where does Barabbas tell Sahak that he had seen Jesus?
(a) On the cross at Golgotha.
(b) In the tomb.
(c) On the Mount of Olives.
(d) In Jerusalem.

12. What observation does Barabbas make about prayer after Sahak's death?
(a) He will pray to all the gods.
(b) He cannot pray without Sahak.
(c) He has no one to pray to.
(d) God is always waiting.

13. What does Barabbas allow the governor to do to his slave medallion?
(a) Give him a new medallion.
(b) Scratch though Jesus' name.
(c) Melt it down.
(d) Write his own name above Jesus' name.

14. Whom does Barabbas kill at the stoning pit?
(a) The true believer.
(b) The blind man.
(c) The potter.
(d) The Pharisee.

15. What does the hare-lipped girl say before she dies?
(a) "Forgive me!"
(b) "Abba!"
(c) "He has come!"
(d) "Barabbas!"

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened to Barabbas's mother after she gave birth to him?

2. What do Barabbas and Sahak speak of for the first few days above ground?

3. Why does the one-eyed slave only have one eye?

4. What does the band of thieves do when they realize that Barabbas is nowhere to be found?

5. How does Sahak die?

(see the answer keys)

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