Barabbas Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Barabbas Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What event causes the soldiers near the cross to jump to their feet and grab their weapons?
(a) The hill goes dark.
(b) They see Barabbas.
(c) Thunder roars and lightening begins to flash.
(d) The crowd presses too close.

2. What did Jesus tell the hare-lipped girl she would do?
(a) Become famous.
(b) Tell the Pharisees about him.
(c) Bear witness for him.
(d) Become whole.

3. Barabbas overhears two men talking the day after the crucifixion; What does Barabbas think they are talking about?
(a) The hare-lipped girl.
(b) The crucified man.
(c) The quiet marketplace.
(d) The dim sunlight.

4. What does Barabbas notice about the tomb when the sun rises?
(a) It shines.
(b) It is glowing.
(c) It is empty.
(d) It seems normal.

5. What does Barabbas ask the woman who talks about the man on the cross?
(a) What type of crime was he accused of.
(b) Where his body was laid and what was supposed to happen to it.
(c) Who his followers were.
(d) What kinds of miracles he performed and sermons he delivered.

6. How does the believer describe the "realm of the dead"?
(a) As nothing.
(b) A beautiful meadow.
(c) A path of light.
(d) Just like home, only cleaner and better.

7. What observation does Barabbas make about the conviction of man on the cross?
(a) The Romans are unfair.
(b) It's a shame that an innocent man had to die.
(c) The Jews were screaming for his blood, so he must have been guilty.
(d) It's obvious that he is innocent of any crime.

8. Towards the end of his conversation with Barabbas, what does the passing group of men tell the red-beaded man?
(a) The Roman soldiers were on their way.
(b) The Master had risen from the dead.
(c) Barabbas was the one that was supposed to die on Golgotha.
(d) The Pharisees were coming.

9. Why does Barabbas choose to attend the crucifixion?
(a) He wants to see the man who took his place.
(b) His friends encourage him to go.
(c) He is swept along with the crowd.
(d) He feels a strange power prompting him to attend the crucifixion.

10. How does Barabbas expect the Christians to react to his presence?
(a) Angry with his betrayal.
(b) Upset with his past.
(c) Pleased to have a potential convert.
(d) Surprised at his daring.

11. What does the woman at the Fat Woman's house say about the man on the cross?
(a) He must have been guilty.
(b) She had seen him perform miracles.
(c) He was the Savior.
(d) He was a false prophet.

12. Why does Barabbas feel that he cannot be forgiven for his sins?
(a) Because he hasn't paid for them.
(b) Because he was born a thief and a murderer.
(c) Because he doesn't believe in sin.
(d) Because he doesn't believe in God.

13. What does the believer that Barabbas meets in the village on the mountain look like?
(a) Unusually cheerful and attractive.
(b) Parched skin and lack-luster eyes.
(c) Like any normal man.
(d) Robust and healthy.

14. Whom does Barabbas see near his hiding place?
(a) Two Roman soldiers.
(b) The red-bearded man.
(c) Angels.
(d) The hare-lipped girl.

15. After Barabbas returns to the believers after his visit to the village on the mountain, what does he tell the believers?
(a) Jesus did the right thing, but that doesn't make him the Son of God.
(b) The man on the mountain is insane.
(c) The man on the mountain is posessed.
(d) Jesus had no right to raise the believer from the dead.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Barabbas continue to seek out while he stays in Jerusalem?

2. Which follower of Jesus is Barabbas invited to meet?

3. What does Barabbas look like?

4. Why doesn't Barabbas believe Jesus is the Son of God?

5. During his first night after arriving in Jerusalem, what does Barabbas think about as he lies on his sleeping mat?

(see the answer keys)

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