So Far from the Bamboo Grove Test | Final Test - Easy

Yoko Kawashima Watkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

So Far from the Bamboo Grove Test | Final Test - Easy

Yoko Kawashima Watkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 7, what does Yoko see for the first time once in Japan?
(a) A bus.
(b) A plane.
(c) A streetcar.
(d) A movie.

2. What does Ko make for breakfast, "the only decent breakfast" they've eaten in five months?
(a) Eggs.
(b) Miso soup and rice.
(c) Oatmeal.
(d) Vegetables and rice.

3. What is on the bulletin board on Yoko's fifth day of school?
(a) A drawing of her picking through the trash.
(b) A photo of her with dirty clothes on.
(c) A drawing of her rucksacks.
(d) A nasty note about Yoko's sister.

4. What does Yoko take from the trash?
(a) Paper.
(b) Clothes.
(c) Pencils.
(d) Food.

5. How long have Yoko, Ko, and mother been at the refugee camp?
(a) A year.
(b) A month.
(c) Six months.
(d) A week.

6. How had Hideyo felt about snow when he lived in Nanam?
(a) He thought it was pretty.
(b) He was delighted to see it.
(c) He hated it.
(d) He didn't care.

7. What is the title of Yoko's work?
(a) Power.
(b) Understanding.
(c) Knowledge.
(d) Depression.

8. What is the most gorgeous thing Yoko ever owned?
(a) The coat Ko made for her.
(b) The futon.
(c) New shoes.
(d) Mother's short sword.

9. What predicament does Yoko face after being enrolled in school for a few months?
(a) Whether to get a job.
(b) Whether to continue going to school.
(c) The loss of all her possessions.
(d) An increase in school tuition.

10. Who writes a letter to Yoko?
(a) Hideyo.
(b) Corporal Matsumura.
(c) Father.
(d) Mrs. Masuda.

11. Where is the refugee camp?
(a) In the cafeteria of a boys' school.
(b) In the auditorium of a girls' school.
(c) In the field near a farmhouse.
(d) In the gymnasium of a public school.

12. What does the first train Yoko, Ko, and mother board in Japan smell like?
(a) Garbage.
(b) Rotten fish.
(c) A zoo.
(d) Dirty socks.

13. Who do the police call to help Yoko and Ko now that they are on their own in Chapter 8?
(a) The Korean Communists.
(b) Hideyo.
(c) Father.
(d) The funeral service.

14. What does Hideyo sleep on?
(a) His sister's fur coat.
(b) A blanket.
(c) A thin mattress.
(d) The ground.

15. What was the main difference between the Japanese trains and the Korean trains?
(a) The Korean trains are more crowded.
(b) The Japanese trains are slower.
(c) The Japanese trains are smaller.
(d) The Korean trains are cleaner.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Yoko and Ko find in the wrapping cloth?

2. Why was Hideyo happy at first when he sees people coming towards him on the tracks?

3. What does Yoko ask Mother at the end of Chapter 8?

4. Why does the group of soldiers want to divide up the confiscated valuables on the spot?

5. In addition to "trash picker," what do Yoko's classmates call her?

(see the answer keys)

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