The Bacchae Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bacchae Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the Chorus function, in relation to Dionysus, in the fifth ode?
(a) As an extension of Dionysus.
(b) As a conscience to Dionysus.
(c) As a sister to Dionysus.
(d) As a distinct being, different from Dionysus.

2. How did Pentheus die?
(a) Accidentily.
(b) Peacefully.
(c) Happily.
(d) Violently.

3. How many gates does Pentheus say Thebes has?
(a) Five.
(b) Six.
(c) Four.
(d) Seven.

4. Who does the Chorus say led Pentheus to his doom?
(a) A nymph.
(b) A bull.
(c) A man.
(d) A centaur.

5. What kind of heart does the Chorus think Pentheus has in his quest against the women?
(a) A heart of stone.
(b) A sourrowful heart.
(c) A hardened heart.
(d) A wicked heart.

6. The Chorus says that true wisdom, as granted by the heavens to the mortals, is to gain mastery over what?
(a) The wilderness.
(b) A fallen foe.
(c) Other men.
(d) The beasts of the field.

7. What does the Chorus predict that Agave will say Pentheus was born from?
(a) A lioness.
(b) A tigress.
(c) A she-cow.
(d) A mare.

8. What streams did the messenger cross once outside of Thebes?
(a) Trianaopus.
(b) Asopus.
(c) Glopus.
(d) Diasopus.

9. How does Dionysus promise Pentheus he will return to the city?
(a) Dead.
(b) In the arms of his mother.
(c) Wiser in the ways of the gods.
(d) With much riches.

10. How does the Chorus suggest they chant about the fall of Pentheus?
(a) Carefully.
(b) Loudly.
(c) Happily.
(d) Merrily.

11. How does the Chorus describe Pentheus's mother's looks in the fifth ode?
(a) Wild rank garments.
(b) Wild rolling eyes.
(c) Wild ridiculous makeup.
(d) Wild raging hair.

12. What did Pentheus tie up instead of binding Dionysus's hands and feet?
(a) A deer.
(b) A sheep.
(c) A horse.
(d) A bull.

13. The Chorus says that although divine power is slow, it will punish who?
(a) All people.
(b) The misguided.
(c) The false gods.
(d) The arrogant.

14. When the first messenger describes how the women slept, what word does he use?
(a) Capriciousness.
(b) Lonely.
(c) Modestly.
(d) Sexually.

15. In what kind of strain does the Chorus want to "exalt their Bacchic god?"
(a) Choral strain.
(b) Acapella strain.
(c) Harmonious strain.
(d) Melodious strain.

Short Answer Questions

1. Pentheus says that "women must not be mastered" by what?

2. When Dionysus refers to "the seats of Nymphs" and "the place of Pan" what is he referring to?

3. Who ripped Pentheus apart?

4. What is Thebes?

5. When Pentheus leaves the palace, what is he dressed as?

(see the answer keys)

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