The Bacchae Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bacchae Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the "king" for the Chorus?
(a) Semele.
(b) Pentheus.
(c) Dionysus.
(d) Tiberius.

2. What kind of monster does the Chorus think Agave might say Pentheus is birthed from?
(a) Egyptian Spyhnx.
(b) Greecian Atlas.
(c) Libyan Gorgon.
(d) Roman Centurion.

3. What form does the Chorus plead for Dionysus to show up in front of them as?
(a) A dragon with teeth snapping.
(b) A bear growling in anger.
(c) A horse ready for battle.
(d) A lion breating flame.

4. Why does the first messenger not want to tell Pentheus the truth of what he saw?
(a) He didn't see anything.
(b) He doesn't know the truth.
(c) He fears Pentheus's delight.
(d) He fears Pentheus's rage.

5. What did Dionysus raise "twixt heaven and earth" when he spoke from heaven?
(a) A waterfall.
(b) A column of flame.
(c) A cloud.
(d) A darkness.

6. According to the messenger, what has Pentheus's mother won?
(a) Power.
(b) Tears.
(c) Ridicule.
(d) Acceptance.

7. The Chorus says that although divine power is slow, it will punish who?
(a) The arrogant.
(b) The misguided.
(c) All people.
(d) The false gods.

8. What does Pentheus hope to do when he leaves the palace in disguise?
(a) Spy on the women.
(b) Find Dionysus.
(c) Leave the city.
(d) Retrieve his mother.

9. When the first messenger describes how the women slept, what word does he use?
(a) Capriciousness.
(b) Lonely.
(c) Modestly.
(d) Sexually.

10. Who ripped Pentheus apart?
(a) Cadmus.
(b) Agave.
(c) Echion.
(d) Helena.

11. What is Thebes?
(a) A region.
(b) A state.
(c) A country.
(d) A city-state.

12. How does the Chorus characterize Pentheus's intent to meddle with the rites of Dionysus?
(a) Purposeful intent.
(b) Frantic intent.
(c) Single intent.
(d) Mad intent.

13. What does the Chorus refer to as the "sure pledge of death" for Pentheus?
(a) Holding the fair golden chalice.
(b) Holding the fair serpent girdle.
(c) Holding the fair crown of leaves.
(d) Holding the fair Bacchic wand.

14. Who brings the news that Pentheus is dead?
(a) The second messenger.
(b) The fifth messenger.
(c) The fourth messenger.
(d) The third messenger.

15. How does the Chorus function, in relation to Dionysus, in the fifth ode?
(a) As a distinct being, different from Dionysus.
(b) As an extension of Dionysus.
(c) As a conscience to Dionysus.
(d) As a sister to Dionysus.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the Chorus celebrating in the fifth ode?

2. The Chorus extols the virtues of the simple man who lives within what?

3. How many gates does Pentheus say Thebes has?

4. Why did Pentheus "fall fainting?"

5. What streams did the messenger cross once outside of Thebes?

(see the answer keys)

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