The Bacchae Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bacchae Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Dionysus wants to punish people in Thebes for what?
(a) Not giving tributes to him.
(b) Not worshiping him as a god.
(c) Not having a temple for him.
(d) Not honoring him at their festivals.

2. The Chorus, in the Parodos, describes the joy of worship with what?
(a) Self-interest.
(b) Self-possession.
(c) Restraint.
(d) Abandon.

3. What place does the Chorus call the "haunt of beasts?"
(a) Corus.
(b) Thames.
(c) Nysa.
(d) Earth.

4. According to the Chorus, who was "sprung of a dragon of old?"
(a) Pentheus.
(b) Tiberius.
(c) Cadmus.
(d) Dionysus.

5. What body part kept Dionysus until he was born?
(a) A stomach.
(b) A head.
(c) A thigh.
(d) An arm.

6. How does the servant who brings Dionysus in to Pentheus refer to Dionysus?
(a) As a man.
(b) As a king.
(c) As a slave.
(d) As prey.

7. Where has the cult that is in Thebes come from?
(a) England.
(b) Athens.
(c) Persia.
(d) Sparta.

8. What is the point the Chorus makes in their second ode?
(a) Praising Pentheus.
(b) Mocking Pentheus.
(c) Denouncing Pentheus.
(d) Honoring Pentheus.

9. What story does Pentheus scoff at?
(a) Dionysus's birth.
(b) Dionysus's prophet.
(c) Dionysus's travels.
(d) Dionysus's life.

10. Cadmus doesn't say whether or not he believes Dionysus is a god, but tells Pentheus that it would be wise of Pentheus to treat Dionysus as what?
(a) A god.
(b) A family member.
(c) An honored guest.
(d) A king.

11. What would a follower of Dionysus "brandish" while wearing a crown of ivy?
(a) A thyrsus.
(b) A spear.
(c) A frustus.
(d) A sword.

12. Who is Pentheus's father?
(a) Escabe.
(b) Eggarton.
(c) Esseles.
(d) Echion.

13. Who says, "By this name, O Baccic god, I now proclaim thee to Thebes?"
(a) The Chorus.
(b) Semele.
(c) Hera.
(d) Cadmus.

14. The Chorus asks Dionysus to lead them places and act as their what?
(a) Divine guide.
(b) Celestial guide.
(c) Godly guide.
(d) Kingly guide.

15. Who leaves the stage right before the Chorus enters for the first time?
(a) The Soldier.
(b) Dionysus.
(c) The Messenger.
(d) Pentheus.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the Chorus, who is Dirce's father?

2. The Chorus says that sophistry is not what?

3. Who honors Dionysus's mother's burial site?

4. What describes the stories that Pentheus shares about the women and their worship of Dionysus?

5. When Dionysus was born, he was crowned with a coronal of what?

(see the answer keys)

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