Avalon Test | Final Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Avalon Test | Final Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Queen Elgifu need constant nursing?
(a) She was attacked in the last Viking attack.
(b) She was hurt in a riding accident.
(c) She delivers a still born baby, and afterward simply deteriorates.
(d) She has a deadly illness.

2. Who is found dead after Rumon and Finian see that Tre-Uther is burned?
(a) Dunstan and another bishop.
(b) Alfrida and Ethelred.
(c) Caw and Godo.
(d) Merewyn and her servants.

3. What does Erik tell Ketil when Ketil finds him in the evening?
(a) That Ketil looked old and tired.
(b) That Ketil should not have looked so hard for him because Erik would have found Ketil.
(c) That Erik sailed west to a land where grasslands bordered a central ice cap.
(d) That Erik's wife was expecting their 5th child.

4. What does Ketil think of Erik's news?
(a) Ketil is bored with it.
(b) He is so enthusiastic as he describes this place that Ketil is already dreaming of a new home called Ketilsfjord, with miles of free land.
(c) Ketil believes it is dangerous.
(d) Ketil doesn't believe what Erik tells him.

5. What does Merewyn ask the Abbot?
(a) Would he baptize her children?
(b) Could she stay at the Abbey?
(c) Where Rumon is.
(d) Who is king now?

6. Who becomes ill when Ketil goes down to the naust for his daily walk to the Bylgja?
(a) Merewyn.
(b) Orm.
(c) Sigurd.
(d) Brigid.

7. What does Merewyn tell the Abbot she wants?
(a) Information.
(b) Lodging for the night.
(c) Food.
(d) Charity.

8. What does the Abbess ask Merewyn to do when the Abbess dies?
(a) To pray for her.
(b) To leave the Abbey.
(c) To take her heart back to Padstow.
(d) To become Abbess.

9. What does Rumon tell Merewyn when they sit down at twilight?
(a) He must go.
(b) He is ill.
(c) He wants her.
(d) He wants to marry her.

10. How many ships set sail from the western Fjords in the Spring?
(a) 100.
(b) 3.
(c) 25.
(d) 10.

11. What is held every year on the eastern plain of Reykjavik?
(a) The Althing.
(b) The sacrifice to Thor.
(c) The national sheep shearing contest.
(d) The Carnival.

12. How do the people at the feast react to the commands that Leif presents to them?
(a) Despite reluctance, everyone knows that trade is directly tied to their obedience in matters such as these.
(b) A huge fight breaks out among the men.
(c) Most leave the feast immediately without celebrating in protest.
(d) Most refuse to be baptized outright.

13. Who asks to join King Sweyn?
(a) Orm.
(b) Ketil.
(c) Canute.
(d) Erik the Red.

14. Where does Ketil die?
(a) In his bed, asleep.
(b) On his ship, where he is happiest.
(c) In battle with Sigurd.
(d) At sea.

15. What does Sigurd make Orm promise before Sigurd dies?
(a) That Orm serve Leif well.
(b) That Orm marry and have children.
(c) That Orm take his mother and sister back to England.
(d) That Orm become a great man.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Merewyn do to avoid Rumon after what happens at twilight on the top of the Tor?

2. What does Orm try out as with King Sweyn's men?

3. What does Odo use to purchase things for Merewyn?

4. Which country does regular trade with Greenland in 1000?

5. How did Poldu remain alive after the attack?

(see the answer keys)

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