Avalon Test | Final Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Avalon Test | Final Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do Rumon and Finian find at the church?
(a) Only the prior, Poldu.
(b) Alfrida.
(c) The Vikings.
(d) Merewyn.

2. What does Rumon tell Merewyn when they sit down at twilight?
(a) He wants her.
(b) He wants to marry her.
(c) He must go.
(d) He is ill.

3. How does Merewyn react to what Rumon tells her when they sit down at twilight?
(a) She cries with joy.
(b) She accepts his offer and goes with him to the tower.
(c) She is horrified that he would think that she is good enough to bed but not to wed.
(d) She cries with sadness that her aunt is not there.

4. Who came to the church and was going to rape Merewyn?
(a) Rumon.
(b) The Vikings.
(c) Dunstan.
(d) Ethelred.

5. What does the Abbot think Merewyn and her group want?
(a) Information.
(b) Food.
(c) Lodging for the night.
(d) Charity.

6. How does Merewyn feel toward Elgifu?
(a) She resents her.
(b) She feels pitty but she never really warms to the Queen.
(c) She hates her.
(d) She loves her like a sister.

7. What does the Abbot suggest to Merewyn regarding her question?
(a) She doesn't deserve to know where Rumon is.
(b) She go elsewhere for the information.
(c) She talk to Brother Finian who lives in one of the cells halfway up the Tor.
(d) She leave the Abbey at once.

8. What does Ketil think of Erik's news?
(a) Ketil believes it is dangerous.
(b) Ketil doesn't believe what Erik tells him.
(c) Ketil is bored with it.
(d) He is so enthusiastic as he describes this place that Ketil is already dreaming of a new home called Ketilsfjord, with miles of free land.

9. How long does it take the ships to get to the land Erik speaks of?
(a) Only four or five days sailing.
(b) 6 months.
(c) 1 month.
(d) 10 days.

10. What does Sigurd think about Christianity?
(a) He is forbidden to convert.
(b) He wants to be baptized.
(c) He doesn't understand it.
(d) It turns men into weak women.

11. What does Odo purchase from Merewyn?
(a) Food she had brought for the journey.
(b) The Bylgja and a Narwhal horn.
(c) Wool from Merewyn's sheep in Greenland.
(d) A Viking helmet and shield.

12. What does Sigurd make Orm promise before Sigurd dies?
(a) That Orm serve Leif well.
(b) That Orm take his mother and sister back to England.
(c) That Orm become a great man.
(d) That Orm marry and have children.

13. What does Merewyn ask the Abbot?
(a) Who is king now?
(b) Would he baptize her children?
(c) Where Rumon is.
(d) Could she stay at the Abbey?

14. What does Merewyn want for Orm in England?
(a) An education.
(b) A wife.
(c) A position of Thane.
(d) A dog.

15. When does the Abbess interview the nuns?
(a) Soon after the Abbey is destroyed.
(b) During her lengthy recovery.
(c) Right away.
(d) After the Vikings were defeated.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who's commands does Leif present to the people when he arrives at the feast?

2. What does Merewyn tell the Abbot she wants?

3. What has happened to Merewyn since she was taken by the Vikings?

4. Who is Orm?

5. What mountains does Merewyn have a view of from her home?

(see the answer keys)

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