Avalon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Avalon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Prior tell Rumon about Merewyn?
(a) That she is his illigitimate daughter.
(b) That she is of Viking descent.
(c) That she is descended from royal blood as she claims to be.
(d) That she is a witch.

2. What does Athelwald do after his report to the King?
(a) He asks the King's permission to marry the princess.
(b) He is killed in battle with the Vikings.
(c) He disappears from Court and marries Ordgar's daughter himself.
(d) He returns to Court and becomes the King's closest adviser.

3. How does Alfrida react to the insistence that Ethelred go to the coronation?
(a) She breaks down and sobs.
(b) She hits Alfhere in the face with all her might.
(c) She runs away.
(d) She locks herself in her Bower.

4. At the beginning of Chapter 7, where is Merewyn living?
(a) With her aunt, the Abbess Merwinna at Romsey.
(b) With Alfrida.
(c) At Uther.
(d) At Glastonbury Abbey.

5. What message does Gunner deliver from Edward to Alfrida?
(a) That King Edward means to have her executed.
(b) That this would be a good time to consider retiring from Court.
(c) That he loves her.
(d) That she should not speak to the King unless she is spoken to.

6. What news does Gunnar bear?
(a) That Alfrida is dying.
(b) That he is leaving for Norway.
(c) That 7 shiploads of Vikings are on their way for plunder.
(d) That he is to be married.

7. Why did the King dispatch Earl Athelwald of East Anglia to do?
(a) Murder Rumon.
(b) Fight the Vikings.
(c) Bring an important message to Queen Edgive.
(d) Visit the daughter of Earl Ordgar on his behalf and report back her looks and behavior.

8. How does Rumon differentiate the Prior from the other monks?
(a) The Prior is the one in deepest prayer.
(b) The Prior introduces himself immediately.
(c) The Prior is the fattest.
(d) Ruman can't tell the Prior from the other monks.

9. What does Rumon ask Merewyn in Chapter 7?
(a) To go to France with him.
(b) To forgive him for doubting her and to keep him in her prayers.
(c) To forgot she ever knew him.
(d) To marry him.

10. Who are the two main characters?
(a) Gundred of Roche and Breaca of Uther.
(b) Caw and Trig.
(c) Merewyn of Uther and Romieux de Provence.
(d) Queen Edgive of Arles and King Edgar of England.

11. What happens to make the Council want to crown King Edgar's choice to succeed him?
(a) Their love for King Edgar.
(b) The Queen.
(c) They see that Edward is the best choice.
(d) A miracle.

12. What does King Edward ask Alfrida through Gunner?
(a) Which property she would like as her Dower House.
(b) Why did you murder my father.
(c) Would she kindly mind her own business.
(d) Would she marry Gunner.

13. When Merewyn sees Gunnar Thoredsson at the Abbey, how does he look?
(a) He looks as if demons have possessed him.
(b) He has a beard that ages him slightly and the devotion that was once in his eyes is gone.
(c) He looks sick and angry.
(d) He looks tired and sad.

14. What kind of story is "Avalon?"
(a) A biographical story.
(b) A historic story.
(c) An epic story.
(d) An autobiographical story.

15. What does Alfrida do when she realizes Rumon hasn't drunk the poison?
(a) She reacts in a rage and hits Rumon.
(b) She abandons her plan.
(c) She get Cild to help her poison him a second time.
(d) She knocks him out with a huge candlestick.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the monks do when the Vikings attacked?

2. How does Alfhere deal with Alfrida's behavior?

3. What does Breaca make Rumon promise?

4. How does the Queen react to the King's decision as to whom he has chosen to succeed him?

5. Who did King Edgar marry instead?

(see the answer keys)

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