Ashes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ashes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Aberdeen still at Riverbend, while many other young slaves had escaped?
(a) He had tried to escape, but he injured himself and was caught.
(b) He was waiting for Ruth.
(c) He was waiting for the right time.
(d) He liked living at Riverbend.

2. What did Walter and Serafina call Ruth?
(a) Their pride and joy.
(b) Their sunshine.
(c) Their darling.
(d) Their sweet girl.

3. Where did Isabel tell Serafina she planned on taking Ruth?
(a) To Rhode Island.
(b) To Yorktown.
(c) To the islands.
(d) To Charleston.

4. Why did Walter speak loudly to the horses?
(a) Because the horses were old and deaf.
(b) Because he wanted to scare Prentiss.
(c) Because he loved animals.
(d) Because he wanted to share information with the young runaways without Prentiss realizing.

5. How did Ruth react when Isabel tried to complement her strength in the beginning of their travels together?
(a) She said, "Thank you."
(b) She smiled shyly.
(c) She ran away.
(d) She put her hands over her ears.

6. Why did Serafina have Ruth and Aberdeen hide in the hayloft with Isabel and Curzon?
(a) Because she wanted Prentiss to think they had already escaped.
(b) Because she wanted them to protect Isabel.
(c) Because she did not want them to be beaten.
(d) Because she wanted them to have a rest from difficult labor.

7. What did Ruth take with her from Riverbend?
(a) A toy.
(b) A map.
(c) A book.
(d) A chicken.

8. How had Isabel and Curzon been getting information to lead them towards Ruth?
(a) By spying on British soldiers.
(b) By spying on Patriot soldiers.
(c) From other slaves.
(d) From newspapers.

9. How did Aberdeen feel about Ruth?
(a) He thought she was foolish.
(b) He was angry at her.
(c) He was jealous that she had a family.
(d) He loved her.

10. What did Isabel do to help Ruth recover from her fever?
(a) Applied cold rags to Ruth's foot.
(b) Applied hot wet rags to Ruth's foot.
(c) Gave her medicine.
(d) Bathed her.

11. How was Williamsburg different from cities like Philadelphia and New York?
(a) It was bigger.
(b) It was smaller.
(c) It had more farms.
(d) It was cleaner.

12. Why did Isabel call Widow Hallahan "snake-souled" (104) in Chapter XVIII?
(a) Because she treated Isabel and Ruth worse than she treated her white workers.
(b) Because she cursed at them and called them names.
(c) Because she lied to them about how much food they would get.
(d) Because she lied to them about how much work they would have to do.

13. Who was Thomas Boon?
(a) An escaped slave.
(b) A donkey.
(c) A Patriot soldier.
(d) A Loyalist soldier.

14. What chronic disease did Ruth have?
(a) A disease that made it difficult for her to breathe.
(b) A disease that made her fall and have fits.
(c) A disease that made it difficult for her to walk.
(d) A disease that made her see things that were not there.

15. Why did Serafina not want Isabel chopping wood?
(a) She was afraid that Isabel would run away.
(b) She thought Isabel did not look strong enough.
(c) She thought it was a man's job.
(d) She saw that Isabel was having a hard time focusing.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why were Isabel and Ruth walking up and down the main street of Williamsburg?

2. What did Aberdeen and Curzon argue about as they traveled?

3. How old was Aberdeen when he first came to Riverbend?

4. Why did Isabel not trust the Patriot army?

5. What about Isabel made Widow Hallahan suspicious?

(see the answer keys)

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