Armor Test | Final Test - Easy

John Steakley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Armor Test | Final Test - Easy

John Steakley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Felix's wife die?
(a) She drowned.
(b) She committed suicide.
(c) She was killed in a freighter accident.
(d) She was murdered.

2. Who fights so hard on behalf of Felix?
(a) Engine.
(b) Bolov.
(c) Yin.
(d) Yuri.

3. What do part of Felix's reflexes show slight tendencies toward?
(a) Obesity.
(b) Heart disease.
(c) Schizophrenia.
(d) Diabetes.

4. What planet does Jack say was destroyed two years ago?
(a) Venus.
(b) Banshee.
(c) Sanction.
(d) Proto.

5. Why do Jack, Lya, and Holly hate Felix when they wear the helmets?
(a) For being so sure he is going to die and fighting it so hard.
(b) For sleeping.
(c) For defeating them.
(d) For being evil.

6. What is Hollis trying to retrieve in relation to the black Armor suit?
(a) Power cord.
(b) Recording coil.
(c) Shingles.
(d) Power supply.

7. What does Jack do in order to do his job?
(a) Pay attention to the demands of others.
(b) Sleep and eat well.
(c) Dress lightly.
(d) Take mental notes of each place he visits and map out the city.

8. Who was Felix's wife?
(a) Angel.
(b) Karen.
(c) Lya.
(d) Forest.

9. What does Holly tell Jack and Lya that he does not experience when he is hooked up to the Armor?
(a) His arms.
(b) Emotions.
(c) Movement.
(d) His legs.

10. Who does Felix get paired up with when he lands on the ground with the other warriors?
(a) A pilot.
(b) A joint chief of staff.
(c) A cruiser.
(d) A commander.

11. Why is Jack afraid of putting on the machine helmets?
(a) He does not want to become a vegetable.
(b) He is scared of heavy metal closing in on his head.
(c) He does not like to be hooked up to electricity.
(d) It hurts.

12. What title did Felix have?
(a) Battle Cruiser.
(b) Ship Pirate.
(c) Guardian Archon.
(d) Commander in Chief.

13. Who owns the planet?
(a) Quan Tri, a mathematician.
(b) Lewis, a drunk.
(c) Lya, a magician.
(d) Jack Crow, a thief.

14. What does Hollis do to connect the person with the recorded memories stored?
(a) Plug them in.
(b) Hook the brain directly to the suit.
(c) Wire them to a computer.
(d) Use satellite projectors.

15. What did Felix recite that Lya and Holly want to know about?
(a) A song.
(b) A poem.
(c) An incantation.
(d) A speech.

Short Answer Questions

1. What planet are the officials who contact Holly and Lya from?

2. What is the effect on the receiving party if you have more than one helmet receiving the emotional transmission from the Armor?

3. When Jack meets up with Wice, who does he see there?

4. What do Jack, Lya, and Holly realize about the person that the officials are looking for?

5. After Felix's wife died, what did he do?

(see the answer keys)

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