Arcadia Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Arcadia Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Hannah does not want to be called ______________.
(a) Dear.
(b) Darling.
(c) Honeybun.
(d) Poopsie.

2. When Thomasina asks Septimus to meet her in her room, he _______________.
(a) Refuses.
(b) Gets angry.
(c) Accepts.
(d) Kisses her.

3. When Thomasina suggests they must hurry to dance, Septimus responds that __________________.
(a) They cannot waltz to the current song.
(b) It would be improper for them to dance.
(c) They do not have time before her mother returns.
(d) They have time.

4. What does Thomasina do to Septimus?
(a) She blows out his oil lamp.
(b) She draws him out of the room.
(c) She kisses him.
(d) She takes his hand.

5. Who does Thomasina claim she will marry?
(a) Septimus.
(b) Bernard.
(c) Keats.
(d) Lord Byron.

6. What does Bernard offer to do for Valentine?
(a) Give him credit for proving Byron killed Chater.
(b) Give him credit for finding the game book.
(c) Give him credit for editing the Bernard's book.
(d) Give him credit for proving Chater was dead in 1810.

7. Why will Bernard return to Sidley Park?
(a) For the dance.
(b) For further research.
(c) For the book signing.
(d) For the press conference.

8. Bernard invites Hannah to London for ________.
(a) A book tour.
(b) More research.
(c) Sex.
(d) His lecture.

9. According to Lady Croom, who is in love with Mrs. Chater?
(a) Lord Croom.
(b) Captain Brice.
(c) Augustus.
(d) Lord Byron.

10. Lady Croom objects to Septimus' love letter because _________________________.
(a) The letter is badly written.
(b) He has had an affair with Mrs. Chater.
(c) He has written other women love letters as well.
(d) He has written the exact same letter to Mrs. Chater.

11. Why does Hannah slap Bernard?
(a) She misunderstands a statement he makes.
(b) He insults Chloe.
(c) He insults her research.
(d) He proposes she leave with him.

12. According to Chloe, what is her mother looking for?
(a) A theodolite.
(b) A thesaurus.
(c) A dictionary.
(d) A microscope.

13. What article has Septimus loaned Byron?
(a) His copy of The Couch of Eros.
(b) His copy of Keats.
(c) His copy of Byron.
(d) His copy of The Maid of Turkey.

14. According to the diagram, what can never be recovered after an action is complete?
(a) The damage created by it.
(b) The heat created by it.
(c) The importance of the action.
(d) The ability to repeat the action.

15. At the start of the scene, Bernard is _____________________.
(a) Reading Lady Croom's letters.
(b) Reading his manuscript.
(c) Reading Byron's journal.
(d) Reading Hannah's manuscript.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Lady Croom upset with Septimus?

2. Chloe believes the others won't support Bernard's theory because __________________.

3. Where does Hannah find proof that Bernard's theory is incorrect?

4. What does Hannah insist she will find at the end of the scene?

5. What objectionable article does Mrs. Chater wear?

(see the answer keys)

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