Antony and Cleopatra Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Antony and Cleopatra Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what isle was Sextus Pompeius "spoil'd" by the account of Caesar?
(a) Rhodes.
(b) Crete.
(c) Sicily.
(d) Sardinia.

2. What, in the play's beginning, is the "tawny front" upon which Antony has turned his view?
(a) Cleopatra.
(b) War.
(c) Egypt.
(d) Italy.

3. Whom does Cleopatra send to report on the features of Octavia?
(a) Alexas.
(b) Charmian.
(c) Iras.
(d) Mardian.

4. For what reason does Caesar claim he arrested Lepidus?
(a) Lepidus's cruelty.
(b) Lepidus's greed.
(c) Lepidus's envy.
(d) Lepidus's suspicious behavior.

5. Whose body is borne before the triumphant victor in Parthia?
(a) Silius.
(b) Pacorus.
(c) Ventidius.
(d) Marcus Crassus.

6. What is the name of the man who accompanies Caesar in Act 3, Scene 8?
(a) Canidius.
(b) Taurus.
(c) Agrippa.
(d) Scarus.

7. Who is sent by Antony to intervene with Caesar in an attempt to prevent civil war?
(a) Enobarbus.
(b) Agrippa.
(c) Octavia.
(d) Lepidus.

8. How does Caesar respond to Antony's challenge?
(a) With laughter.
(b) With timidity.
(c) With fear.
(d) With anger.

9. Whom does Alexas use as an example in saying that no one would dare not look on Cleopatra when she is ill-pleased?
(a) Octavius Caesar.
(b) Herod of Jewry.
(c) Rameses II.
(d) Julius Caesar.

10. Whom does Enobarbus say he will follow now that the battle is over?
(a) No one.
(b) Caesar.
(c) Lepidus.
(d) Antony.

11. Where does Caesar say that Pompey resides in Act 2, Scene 2?
(a) Messina.
(b) Florence.
(c) Sicily.
(d) Misenum.

12. What does Antony, in Act 4, Scene 2's terminal line, say he and his fellows ought to drown?
(a) Woe.
(b) Hunger.
(c) Elation.
(d) Consideration.

13. Upon whose trencher does Antony say he found Cleopatra as a "cold morsel"?
(a) Pompey's.
(b) Living Caesar's.
(c) Dead Caesar's.
(d) Rameses's.

14. In what location does Act 3, Scene 4 take place?
(a) Alexandria.
(b) Rome.
(c) Syria.
(d) Athens.

15. It is reported in Act 3, Scene 5, that Caesar has arrested whom?
(a) Antony.
(b) Menas.
(c) Lepidus.
(d) Pompey.

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom does the triumphant victor in the first scene of Act 3 speak?

2. Who brings news to Pompey that Mark Antony is returning to Rome?

3. Who does Antony say is approaching the ports of Rome in the play's first act?

4. What does Antony's betrothed say she shall do when Antony is about the world?

5. What literally are "wassails" as used by Caesar to describe Antony's behavior?

(see the answer keys)

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