Antigone Test | Final Test - Easy

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Antigone Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Antigone led to after she has been given her sentence by Creon, the King?
(a) The bathroom
(b) A platform
(c) The vault
(d) The fields

2. Haemon shares with Creon that the people see Antigone as ____________ for the actions she has taken.
(a) Wrong
(b) Despicable
(c) Honorable
(d) Reckless

3. What is Antigone's sentence as handed down by Creon as a result of her actions in burying the body?
(a) Death by starvation
(b) Death by hanging
(c) Death by stoning
(d) Death by poison

4. _____________ starts to tear up at the sight of Antigone being led into the room during the play.
(a) Ismene
(b) Choragos
(c) Haemon
(d) Creon

5. Who did the king imprison in a story the Chorus relates about the idea of jealousy?
(a) His mother
(b) His son
(c) His first wife
(d) His daughter

6. The prophet tells Creon he has kept Polyneices from ____________ and buried Antigone alive.
(a) The truth
(b) The gods
(c) His family
(d) His sister

7. Who does the Messenger now call a walking dead man during the first part of this scene during the play?
(a) Creon
(b) Choragos
(c) Haemon
(d) The prophet

8. Who was cursing Creon in their final moments on earth before they killed themselves?
(a) Choragos
(b) Antigone
(c) Ismene
(d) Eurydice

9. Creon tells Haemon he is grateful for his ____________ in all matters, and is pleased with Haemon's answer.
(a) Allegiance
(b) Guidance
(c) Appreciation
(d) Attention

10. Antigone still believes she has done no ____________ wrong and that Creon is the guilty one.
(a) Moral
(b) Emotional
(c) Physical
(d) Wartime

11. What did the king discover about Antigone when he went to her vault where she was imprisoned?
(a) She was asleep
(b) She was alive
(c) She hanged herself
(d) She had escaped

12. Haemon insists that all men can learn from any who can ____________, when talking to his father.
(a) Reason
(b) Grow
(c) Teach
(d) Love

13. Love keepest the vigil on the soft cheek of a ____________, according to the Chorus in this section during the play.
(a) Maiden
(b) Crone
(c) Goddess
(d) Man

14. Creon believes he will be seen as stronger for refusing to yield to showing ______________ with Antigone.
(a) Patience
(b) Anger
(c) Gratitude
(d) Mercy

15. The prophet cautions Creon and the actions he has taken, saying that he is on the edge of __________.
(a) Happiness
(b) Doom
(c) Mercy
(d) Fate

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Creon feel have always manipulated him, which is a sign of his own self pity for his situation?

2. Who goes to free Antigone and to bury Polyneices as the prophet said should be done?

3. The Chorus talks about love's strength and destruction, such as it is between Creon and ____________.

4. The prophet goes on to tell Creon that he will be paid back _________________.

5. Antigone agrees that her father's ______________ guilt plagues all her family from the grave.

(see the answer keys)

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