Another Brooklyn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Another Brooklyn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Sylvia convince her father to let August, Angela, and Gigi stay over at Sylvia's house?
(a) Sylvia told her dad she would not go to law school.
(b) Sylvia threatened to run away.
(c) Sylvia said that she would never speak to him again.
(d) Sylvia said she would kill herself.

2. According to the middle of Chapter 12, what did August, Sylvia, Gigi, and Angela wear in the winter?
(a) Sandals with socks.
(b) Platform shoes.
(c) Sneakers with holes.
(d) Snow boots.

3. What did August wish she had said to Angela after Angela disappeared?
(a) "Wait! We love you" (132).
(b) "We'll come with you - wherever you go" (132).
(c) "See you tomorrow" (132).
(d) "Don't believe them" (133).

4. Where did August look for Jennie's children faces at the start of Chapter 12?
(a) The hallways of her apartment building.
(b) The streets of Brooklyn.
(c) The outside of Jennie's apartment.
(d) The faces of strangers.

5. On the final Page of Chapter 11, what realization did August have?
(a) August accepted that the girls were on earth, heading home to Brooklyn, and would most likely not leave.
(b) August revealed that her father was beating her.
(c) August reminded Angela that life would always be difficult, and there was nothing they could do.
(d) August shared that she was fearful her mother would never return.

6. What did Jerome do to August that was the first sign of their relationship?
(a) Jerome waved at August on the street.
(b) Jerome kissed August.
(c) Jerome left August a note at her apartment door.
(d) Jerome winked at August.

7. What did Angela say after a dead woman was found in Brooklyn during the winter?
(a) "My father murdered my mother" (129).
(b) "I wonder if the dead woman is my other" (129).
(c) "My mother is the dead woman" (130).
(d) "I don't know where my mother is" (129).

8. What temperature did it raise the summer August, Sylvia, Gigi, and Angela had boyfriends? (123-124).
(a) 89 degrees.
(b) 99 degrees.
(c) Over 99 degrees.
(d) Over 100 degrees.

9. What book did August's father read after Sister Loretta arrived?
(a) The Book of Mormon.
(b) The Bible.
(c) The Qur'an.
(d) The Old Man and the Sea.

10. What did Sister Loretta cook for the family when she arrived at August's family apartment?
(a) Navy beans and collared greens.
(b) Navy beans and eggplant Parmesan.
(c) Eggplant Parmesan and shrimp.
(d) Spaghetti with real tomato sauce.

11. At the start of Chapter 9, what song was August's father listening to?
(a) "Misty Blue."
(b) "Love is Blind."
(c) "Helter Skelter."
(d) "Sweet Home Alabama."

12. What did August tell Sister Loretta about SweetGrove?
(a) That Sister Loretta would like SweetGrove.
(b) That SweetGrove is hateful.
(c) That SweetGrove was dangerous.
(d) That she wanted to return and teach in SweetGrove.

13. In Chapter 8, what did August hear when her father started bringing women to the apartment for the first time?
(a) Whispers and bottles breaking.
(b) Hushed laughter and moans.
(c) Banging and yelling.
(d) Screaming and crying.

14. What happened during the summer at the start of Chapter 11?
(a) The girls stopped talking.
(b) Men and boys were everywhere.
(c) The lights went out in Brooklyn.
(d) The heat kept everyone inside.

15. Why did August tell Sylvia about Jerome in Chapter 9?
(a) August wanted to be like Sylvia.
(b) August knew Sylvia liked Jerome.
(c) August wanted Sylvia to be jealous.
(d) August wanted to sound mature.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did August and her brother believe happened to their father's fingers well into their teens?

2. How did August feel about the free items she received after the catastrophe that happened in her neighborhood?

3. What sort of lessons did Sylvia take that were surprising to August in Chapter 9?

4. What did August and her brother ask Sister Loretta to do with her hair?

5. How many sisters did Sylvia have according to August in Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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