Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the one thing Anne notices about Peter?
(a) He has an inferiority complex
(b) He isn't very smart
(c) He has long fingernails
(d) He is just like her father

2. Anne is constantly enthralled with a certain kind of people. Which people are these?
(a) The Germans
(b) The Dutch
(c) The Christians
(d) The Jews

3. What has the Court forbidden from digging?
(a) Dussel
(b) Koophuis
(c) Kraler
(d) Elli

4. When do people look disapprovingly at Anne?
(a) When she argues
(b) When she talks to Mrs. Van Daan
(c) When she tries a new hairstyle
(d) When she sighs

5. What causes Anne's father to be upset with her?
(a) She ignores him
(b) She is necking with Peter
(c) She writes him a letter
(d) She yells at him

6. What does Mouschi do that upsets Peter?
(a) The cat runs away
(b) The cat jumps on Peter and scratches him
(c) The cat urinates in wood shavings
(d) The cat yowls

7. What does Anne realize that Peter needs?
(a) A better work ethic
(b) A new shirt
(c) Affection
(d) A different mother

8. Who asks is they can trust Peter and Anne alone in the attic?
(a) Mr. Frank
(b) Mr. Van Daan
(c) Mrs. Frank
(d) Mrs. Van Daan

9. Why does Anne think Peter and she are not so different?
(a) Because they're close to the same age
(b) Because they both lack a mother
(c) Because they both need love
(d) Because they are both in hiding

10. What was Peter not doing that evening that he would have time to talk with Anne?
(a) German
(b) Shorthand
(c) Math
(d) French

11. While Anne does not enjoy the frequent discussions of politics, there is one thing she believes to be perfect about the political situation. What is it?
(a) Articles in the newspapers
(b) Miep's observations of the war
(c) Reports from the BBC
(d) Speeches by Winston Churchill

12. What makes Anne very happy on April 16th?
(a) She receives a kiss on the cheek from Peter
(b) She receives a new diary
(c) She learns that they might be leaving
(d) She finds her old pen

13. What is Anne afraid she will grow up to be?
(a) A boring woman
(b) A dried up old beanstalk
(c) Someone like Margot
(d) An old maid

14. What inevitably happens at the end of the radio speeches?
(a) Everyone starts to argue
(b) Everyone begins to cry
(c) Everyone remains quiet
(d) Everyone goes to bed

15. Why can't those hiding in the secret hiding area use the water?
(a) The sewer is blocked
(b) Mr. Kraler is getting worried
(c) They are using too much
(d) They are not allowed

Short Answer Questions

1. From where does Bosche's fat come?

2. What can't Anne understand?

3. What did Peter do on Margot's birthday that was out of character?

4. What book is everyone reading?

5. Who spoke on Dutch News from London?

(see the answer keys)

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