Anne of Green Gables Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Anne of Green Gables Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Marilla do right after Anne left for Queen's?
(a) She went up and lay on Anne's bed and wept.
(b) She plunged into unnecessary work with a heavy heart.
(c) She went to town and did a lot of shopping.
(d) She talked a long time with Matthew about Anne.

2. What was Marilla looking forward to on her way home from the Aid meeting?
(a) having a long conversation with Matthew
(b) finding a long-awaited letter waiting for her
(c) preparing a nice meal for Anne and Matthew
(d) a crackling fire and a table nicely spread for tea by Anne

3. What did the doctor say had caused Matthew's death?
(a) a sudden shock
(b) He had been ill with the flu.
(c) too much hard work
(d) pneumonia

4. What did Rev. Allan say everyone should have?
(a) a good Christian home
(b) a worthy purpose in life
(c) a model to follow
(d) a good conscience

5. What event did Aunt Josephine take the girls to see at the Exhibition?
(a) the horse races
(b) the cake decorating contest
(c) the singing contest
(d) the taffy pull

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Anne think she might have a chance at winning the Avery scholarship?

2. What did Anne want to win at Queen's at the end of the year?

3. What did the professional elocutionist look like?

4. Who did Anne meet on her way back from the graveyard where she put fresh flowers on Matthew's grave?

5. What were the Entrance exam results?

Short Essay Questions

1. What actually happens during this dramatization of the lily maid?

2. Describe how Anne, Diana, Ruby Gillis and Jane Andrews decide to dramatize Tennyson's "Elaine".

3. When Matthew realizes that Anne is not dressed as the other little girls are and decides to buy her a dress what does he first do and why does he fail?

4. Describe some other women at the concert at the White Sands Hotel.

5. Why is Anne up in her room buried in her pillows?

6. How does Matthew finally succeed in getting a new, fashionable dress for Anne and what does it look like?

7. What were the results of the Entrance Examination?

8. Who are the two girls Anne becomes friendly with at Queen's and what are they like ?

9. Describe Anne, her dress, and her hair at the concert at the White Sands Hotel.

10. What does Anne do when she hears about Marilla's eyesight and her decision to sell Green Gables?

(see the answer keys)

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