Anne of Green Gables Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Anne of Green Gables Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of flowers did Anne put around him in his coffin?
(a) his beloved flowers his mother had planted in her bridal days
(b) white lilies, tulips and daffodils
(c) flowers Marilla had picked in the Green Gables garden
(d) Anne's favorite spring flowers

2. What did Anne recite that made Ruby Gillis' blood run cold?
(a) "Cleopatra exclaiming about the asp which bit her"
(b) "Marie Antoinette at the Guillotine"
(c) "Joan of Ark at the Stake"
(d) "Mary, Queen of Scots"

3. What did the boys in Anne's class do for nature study?
(a) climbed the big trees for crows' nests
(b) caught "wooly bears" to predict how long the winter would be
(c) caught tadpoles to bring to class to watch grow to frogs
(d) caught trout in the stream near the school

4. At the Exhibition what did Josie Pye take first place at?
(a) the best home-made pie
(b) the largest beets
(c) the best-decorated cake
(d) knitted lace

5. What lesson did Anne say she had learned from this latest escapade?
(a) to stop being so romantic
(b) to pray when one is in trouble
(c) to check a boat or flat before boarding it
(d) not to want to be the star of every situation

6. What secret did Marilla disclose to Anne at the end of Chapter 37?
(a) Gilbert's father was her beau and she regretted their quarrel.
(b) She wanted to move in with Mrs. Lynde now.
(c) She and Matthew were not actually brother and sister.
(d) She had always wanted to be a teacher.

7. What was Anne's immediate reaction to Matthew's death?
(a) She ran out into the night to be close to nature.
(b) a flood of tears
(c) the need to have Diana stay overnight with her
(d) tearless agony

8. What did the oculist tell Marilla about her eyes?
(a) Crying would be good. It would bathe her eyes.
(b) She could read and sew but not as often.
(c) If she weren't careful she'd be stone blind in six months.
(d) Her eyesight had improved greatly.

9. What did Miss Stacy catch Anne doing during class?
(a) reading "The Scarlet Letter"
(b) reading " The House of Seven Gables"
(c) reading " Ben Hur"
(d) reading "Pilgrim's Progress"

10. Who won the Avery scholarship?
(a) Emily Clay
(b) Robert Kiernan
(c) Anne Shirley
(d) Gilbert Blythe

11. What was it that started the story club among the Avonlea girls?
(a) There was a story-writing contest in a local magazine.
(b) Miss Stacy assigned her students the task of writing a stories.
(c) The girls were bored.
(d) It was a natural outcome of the girls reading so much.

12. What difference did Matthew observe about Anne when he compared her to her girlfriends?
(a) She was not dressed like the other girls.
(b) She was taller than the other girls.
(c) She was thinner than the other girls.
(d) She was more talkative than the other girls.

13. What did the professional elocutionist look like?
(a) She was blonde with blue eyes dressed in pale blue.
(b) She was thin with black eyes dressed in pearl brocade.
(c) She was tall with dark-brown hair in a gold dress
(d) She was lithe and dark-eyed in a gown of shimmering gray.

14. What did Rev. Allan say everyone should have?
(a) a model to follow
(b) a worthy purpose in life
(c) a good Christian home
(d) a good conscience

15. What did Moody Spurgeon do to settle his nerves before the Entrance exam?
(a) wrote a lot of letters to his parents
(b) repeated the multiplication table
(c) repeated the Lord's Prayer
(d) ate a lot of ice cream

Short Answer Questions

1. Who realized first that Matthew had died?

2. What does Ruby Gillis think about all the time?

3. What is Anne supposed to write a composition on in Miss Stacy's class?

4. Why wasn't Anne brokenhearted when she couldn't go to Redmond and felt she must stay and teach?

5. What was going on in the hall when Anne arrived to look at the bulletin board with the awards posted?

(see the answer keys)

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