Anne of Green Gables Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Anne of Green Gables Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What precipitated Matthew's death and Marilla's terrible plight with Green Gables?
(a) They both had become old and sick.
(b) Matthew's and Marilla's bank, Abbey bank, failed.
(c) Anne was going away to Redmond college.
(d) Matthew had lent a friend money which he hadn't repaid.

2. With whom did Anne walk on her way to see the posting of awards on the bulletin board?
(a) Stella Maynard
(b) Ruby Gillis
(c) Priscilla Grant
(d) Jane Andrews

3. Who was the vivid, black-eyed "rose-red" girl Anne also made friends with at Queen's?
(a) Maureen Gillespie
(b) Priscilla Grant
(c) Molly McKenna
(d) Stella Maynard

4. How long had it been since Anne had gotten into a scrape?
(a) over one and a half months
(b) over a week
(c) over two months
(d) over two weeks

5. Who made Anne's dress to take with her to Queen's?
(a) Emily Gillis
(b) Mrs. Allan
(c) Mrs. Rachel Lynde
(d) Marilla

6. What is one of the three guesses Anne made when Diana told her she had exciting news for her?
(a) Jane's mother is letting her have a birthday party.
(b) Diana's parents were giving Diana a puppy.
(c) Prissy and Mr. Phillips are getting married.
(d) Rev. and Mrs. Allan are having an anniversary party.

7. What did Rev. Allan say everyone should have?
(a) a good conscience
(b) a model to follow
(c) a good Christian home
(d) a worthy purpose in life

8. Though Aunt Josephine's house was splendid, what did Anne think it lacked?
(a) It was cold and not cozy.
(b) The furniture was stiff and uncomfortable.
(c) It didn't have a beautiful view from the big windows.
(d) There was no scope for imagination there.

9. What did Anne recite that made Ruby Gillis' blood run cold?
(a) "Cleopatra exclaiming about the asp which bit her"
(b) "Mary, Queen of Scots"
(c) "Joan of Ark at the Stake"
(d) "Marie Antoinette at the Guillotine"

10. What did Diana do right after Anne had departed for Queen's?
(a) said a prayer for Anne and thanked God she had met her
(b) dried her tears and went to a beach picnic at White Sands
(c) went to her room and vowed she'd never be happy again
(d) sat down and wrote a long letter to Anne

11. What does Anne think her besetting sin is?
(a) being vain about her looks
(b) not obeying Marilla enough
(c) judging Josie Pye and other classmates to harshly
(d) imagining too much and forgetting her duties

12. What did the doctor say had caused Matthew's death?
(a) a sudden shock
(b) pneumonia
(c) too much hard work
(d) He had been ill with the flu.

13. At the Exhibition what did Josie Pye take first place at?
(a) the best-decorated cake
(b) the largest beets
(c) knitted lace
(d) the best home-made pie

14. What superstition makes Anne uneasy about the exam?
(a) She keeps spilling salt at meals.
(b) A black cat ran across her path that week.
(c) She has number 13.
(d) She just broke a mirror.

15. How was Anne saved from going down with the flat?
(a) A fisherman approached in a row boat and rescued Anne.
(b) The flat arrived at its destination before it sank.
(c) The flat drifted close to a bridge pile and Anne climbed on it.
(d) Anne swam to shore.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Miss Stacy speak to the teen girls about when she took them down to the brook?

2. How much did Anne pay for the hair dye?

3. What are the health problems Marilla has now?

4. How old is Anne on her birthday in Chapter 26?

5. What was Anne wearing at commencement and what did she do?

(see the answer keys)

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