Anne of Green Gables Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Anne of Green Gables Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What famous literary work did Mr. Phillips recite?
(a) He recited "I wandered lonely as a cloud"
(b) He recited one of Shakespeare's sonnets
(c) He recited Mark Antony's oration in Shakespeare's Caesar.
(d) He recited "Ode to a Greek Urn"

2. What does Anne do and say when Marilla tells her she can stay at Green Gables?
(a) She asks if she can run and tell Matthew.
(b) She falls on her knees and dramatically thanks God.
(c) She dances around joyfully , thanking Marilla.
(d) She tearfully promises to be good.

3. What physical problem does Marilla sometimes have?
(a) headaches
(b) gout
(c) indigestion
(d) backaches

4. What makes Marilla decide to keep Anne?
(a) she's lonely
(b) the need to have a girl to cook and clean for her
(c) the desire to finally have a daughter
(d) reluctance to turn her over to Mrs. Blewett, a harsh shrew

5. With whom did Anne live until she was eight-years-old?
(a) Her parents' neighbor, Mrs. Babcock
(b) Mrs. Thomas and her drunken husband
(c) Her grandmother, who then died
(d) Mrs. Thompson , a widow

6. What does Anne call a person who feels as she does about things?
(a) a partner
(b) a friend
(c) a pal
(d) a kindred spirit

7. Why is the day described in Chapter 20 "special" to Anne?
(a) Anne received straight "A"s in school that day.
(b) It's Matthew's birthday.
(c) It's the 1st year anniversary of Anne's arrival at Green Gables.
(d) It's Marilla's birthday.

8. What makes Anne agree to smooth things over with Mrs. Lynde?
(a) She is afraid of further punishment from Marilla.
(b) She feels she was in the wrong
(c) She's afraid of Mrs. Lynde
(d) Matthew implores her to

9. What does Mrs. Rachel Lynde say to Anne when she first sees her?
(a) She's tells Anne she's glad she moved in with Marilla.
(b) She tells Anne she's welcome to visit her anytime.
(c) She tells Anne she's homely, skinny with freckles and red hair.
(d) She tells Anne to mind Marilla.

10. What is Diana Barry's mother like?
(a) a dark-haired woman with pale blue eyes
(b) a friendly, generous woman with light-brown hair
(c) a tall, dark-haired, dark-eyed strict woman
(d) a short, jolly, chubby blond woman

11. What does Anne think of the new minister's wife?
(a) She's an unfriendly, ugly woman.
(b) She's too young to be a good minister's wife.
(c) She's a kindred spirit and makes religion cheerful.
(d) She is too serious and too pious.

12. What happens to Diana Barry when she goes to Anne's for tea?
(a) She gets drunk on homemade currant wine by mistake.
(b) She falls asleep.
(c) She breaks one of Marilla's best cups.
(d) She gets sick from eating too many cookies.

13. What new word did Anne learn at the Sunday school picnic?
(a) delectable
(b) scrumptious
(c) pretentious
(d) horrific

14. What profession did Anne's parents have?
(a) high school teachers
(b) librarians
(c) college teachers
(d) the owned a general store

15. How does Anne win Mrs. Rachel Lynde over?
(a) Anne makes an apple pie and takes it to Mrs. Lynde.
(b) Anne flatters Mrs. Rachel Lynde.
(c) Anne drops to her knees with a dramatic apology
(d) Anne agrees that she is skinny with carrot red hair

Short Answer Questions

1. What way did Matthew vote politically?

2. What is Anne looking forward to doing after she finishes her lessons?

3. What mistake does Anne make when the minister and his wife come to tea?

4. How old is Anne in Chapter 5?

5. What does Diana give Anne as a keepsake?

(see the answer keys)

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