Angela's Ashes Test | Final Test - Medium

Frank McCourt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angela's Ashes Test | Final Test - Medium

Frank McCourt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mrs. O'Riordan write a note to Angela about Frank?
(a) He has been stealing books.
(b) Frank wants to skip a grade level.
(c) She is impressed with his reading.
(d) He has been misbehaving at school.

2. What is Angela's new job in Chapter 17?
(a) Working in a factory in London.
(b) Reading to children.
(c) Shoveling coal.
(d) Caring for an elderly man.

3. Who is able to visit Angela in the hospital when she is ill in Chapter 10?
(a) Margaret and Agnes.
(b) No one is allowed to visit her.
(c) Mr. Timoney and Laman.
(d) Frank and young Malachy.

4. Why is Frank at the pub celebrating with Mikey?
(a) Frank got an A in school
(b) Malachy returned home with money for the family.
(c) Mikey is turning 16.
(d) Frank just got a job.

5. Where does Malachy run away to in Chapter 10?
(a) The land by the river.
(b) His grandmother's.
(c) Mikey Molloy's house.
(d) The home on Roden Lane.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is wrong with Angela's health in Chapter 10?

2. Where does Frank get a new job in Chapter 16?

3. Why does Alphie get so upset in Chapter 10?

4. What does Bridey tell Frank about his relationship with Mr. Hannon?

5. Why does young Malachy run away from Aunt Agnes's home in Chapter 10?

Short Essay Questions

1. Malachy returns home temporarily to care for the children, but his visit is short-lived. How do you feel about this? Should he have stayed longer? What does his visit tell you about the dynamics of the family?

2. In Chapter 14, what events occur that show Frank's emerging independence?

3. Young Malachy leaves Agnes's home and hides at the house on Roden Lane. Why does he run away, and what does this tell you about Malachy's character?

4. In Chapter 15, Agnes buys Frank new clothes. Why is this so surprising? Why do you think she does it?

5. How does Frank find out that he is a bastard in Chapter 11? What does this mean for him?

6. Consider the difference in attitude towards the children that Aunt Agnes and Pa Keating have in Chapter 10. Why do you think they are so different? How do they differ?

7. Describe the circumstances under which Angela and her family are evicted.

8. In Chapter 10, Angela goes back to the St. Vincent de Paul society to beg for charity, and stops at a church to beg for help as well. Frank later remarks that he has trouble looking her in the eye. Why do you think that is?

9. Frank says very little about his grandmother's death. Why do you think this is?

10. Describe Frank's experience delivering telegrams to the Carmody house in Chapter 15. How is he feeling? Was this an expected occurrence?

(see the answer keys)

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