Angela's Ashes Test | Final Test - Easy

Frank McCourt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angela's Ashes Test | Final Test - Easy

Frank McCourt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is able to visit Angela in the hospital when she is ill in Chapter 10?
(a) Margaret and Agnes.
(b) Frank and young Malachy.
(c) Mr. Timoney and Laman.
(d) No one is allowed to visit her.

2. What does Malachy's letter say to Angela in Chapter 12?
(a) There is more money coming.
(b) He will be home before Christmas.
(c) He has lost his job.
(d) He is staying in London.

3. How would Angela feel about Frank's work for Mrs. Finucane?
(a) She would not approve.
(b) She would want all of the money.
(c) She would want him to quit school and work full time.
(d) She would be proud of him.

4. What does Bridey tell Frank about his relationship with Mr. Hannon?
(a) Mr. Hannon hated the way Frank worked.
(b) Frank was a better worker than Mr. Hannon.
(c) Mr. Hannon was annoyed by Frank's mannerisms.
(d) Frank was like a son to Mr. Hannon.

5. Where does Frank go to stay in Chapter 13?
(a) Margaret's house.
(b) Agnes' house.
(c) Paddy's house.
(d) Pat Sheehan's house.

6. What does Agnes say at the end of Chapter 14?
(a) That Frank is doing more to help his family than his father ever did.
(b) Frank should quit school.
(c) That Frank is a fool for wearing a dress.
(d) Frank should go home to Angela.

7. What happens when the family waits for Malachy at the train station?
(a) He does not arrive until the next day.
(b) The train crashes.
(c) He arrives early.
(d) They are told that Malachy is not coming home at all.

8. Why does Angela want Frank to quit his job in Chapter 11?
(a) She does not approve of Mr. Hannon.
(b) He is missing school because of work.
(c) The work is too difficult for him.
(d) The coal dust is irritating his eyes.

9. What does Frank sell for ten pounds in Chapter 17?
(a) Five bags of coal.
(b) Bread and jam from Angela.
(c) Several new books about Ireland.
(d) Forty copies of page 16.

10. Why does Mrs. O'Riordan write a note to Angela about Frank?
(a) Frank wants to skip a grade level.
(b) He has been stealing books.
(c) He has been misbehaving at school.
(d) She is impressed with his reading.

11. Where does Aunt Aggie take Frank before he officially begins work at the Post Office?
(a) She buys him new clothes.
(b) She takes him on the postal route so he can see where he is going.
(c) She takes him to the pub for a drink.
(d) She takes him to meet his boss.

12. What is the name of the ship Frank will take to America?
(a) The Irish Oak.
(b) The Sea Merchant.
(c) The Ocean's Guide.
(d) The American Traveler.

13. How does Agnes treat the children when they stay with her?
(a) She is ecstatic to have children in her home.
(b) She is welcoming.
(c) She is hostile and unkind.
(d) She is quiet and does not react to their presence.

14. Why does Mr. Hannon need Frank's help at work?
(a) Mr. Hannon has bad legs.
(b) Mr. Hannon cannot get to work at such an early hour.
(c) Mr. Hannon has two much work for one person.
(d) Mr. Hannon would like to share his wealth with Frank.

15. Why do the children go to live with Aunt Agnes for awhile in Chapter 10?
(a) Agnes can better provide for the children.
(b) Frank is misbehaving.
(c) Agnes is sick and needs help at home.
(d) Angela is sick and hospitalized.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Angela's new job in Chapter 17?

2. What does Angela's note to Frank say at the beginning of Chapter 14?

3. Why is Mr. Harrington upset at the beginning of Chapter 16?

4. Why do the McCourt children laugh at Aunt Agnes while they are staying with her in Chapter 10?

5. Why does Frank feel guilty after Theresa is gone?

(see the answer keys)

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