Angela's Ashes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Frank McCourt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Angela's Ashes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Frank McCourt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Paddy's dream?
(a) To travel to China and adopt children.
(b) To start his own business in America.
(c) To become a doctor.
(d) To run away to India.

2. What does Tommy Flynn say happened to Margaret's body?
(a) The body disappeared from the morgue.
(b) The body was cremated.
(c) Malachy sold her body for drink money.
(d) Margaret was given a proper Catholic burial.

3. Why is Angela angry at the end of Chapter 3?
(a) He forgets to pick the children up from school.
(b) He i working late and she is worried.
(c) Malachy is out late drinking instead of coming home with his wages.
(d) He has been arrested for drunken behavior.

4. Where does Malachy meet Angela?
(a) In church.
(b) In Limerick.
(c) At a party in America.
(d) On the boat coming to America.

5. What does Grandma mean when she says that she has "God in me backyard?"
(a) Frank has left his prayer book outside.
(b) The priest has come to visit the family.
(c) The Pope's picture has been left outside in the rain.
(d) Frank has thrown up his first communion.

6. Why does Frank envy the children whose fathers are in England?
(a) They do not see their fathers.
(b) The children get to go visit their fathers.
(c) The families usually move to England.
(d) The fathers send home money for food and necessities.

7. In Chapter 2, why does Frank get in trouble with Mr. Benson at school?
(a) He steals some food from the other children.
(b) He is caught skipping school.
(c) He is caught cheating.
(d) He is fighting because the boys were teasing him.

8. Why is Frank hospitalized?
(a) He has typhoid.
(b) He has appendicitis.
(c) He has consumption.
(d) He has pneumonia.

9. Why doesn't the telegram boy bring a telegram to the family?
(a) The telegram boy was fired.
(b) Angela and the children were not home to receive it.
(c) The telegram boy had the wrong address.
(d) Malachy did not send any money home.

10. Why does Quigley seem to annoy his teachers?
(a) He cannot read.
(b) He is always fighting with the other boys.
(c) He is always asking questions.
(d) His clothes are always dirty.

11. Why is Frank concerned for Mickey's soul?
(a) Mickey is a thief.
(b) Mickey looked at dirty pictures.
(c) Mickey is a Protestant.
(d) Mickey is a liar.

12. Why does Frank miss his collection?
(a) His grandmother makes him stay home and help her with chores.
(b) His father is out drinking and cannot take him.
(c) His grandmother makes him return to church for a confession.
(d) He is not feeling well.

13. Why does young Malachy have to visit Barrington's Hospital?
(a) Young Malachy has drank some of his father's liquor.
(b) He has consumption.
(c) The older Malachy's dentures have gotten stuck in young Malachy's mouth.
(d) Young Malachy has caught pneumonia.

14. How is Frank able to attend the cinema at the end of Chapter 4?
(a) Mikey throws a "fit" and distracts the ticket-taker.
(b) Frank steals from Grandma's purse.
(c) Malachy gives Frank some money.
(d) Angela begs the ticket-taker to let him in.

15. How does Frank earn money from Mr. Timoney?
(a) He brings Mr. Timoney books.
(b) He cleans Mr. Timoney's home.
(c) He delivers coal to Mr. Timoney.
(d) He reads to Mr. Timoney.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what does Peter Dooley charge Frank?

2. Why does Angela think Mr. Timoney lost his cleaning woman?

3. What does Frank's father tell the officials from the St. Vincent de Paul Society about their lavatory?

4. What does Angela bring Frank in the hospital?

5. While at the hospital, what do the doctor's discover about Frank?

(see the answer keys)

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