An Assembly Such as This Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Pamela Aidan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An Assembly Such as This Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Pamela Aidan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Darcy think Elizabeth would be treated in London society?
(a) With abuse.
(b) With respect.
(c) With disdain.
(d) With affection.

2. What does Darcy tell his dog is the only thing steadying his feelings for Elizabeth?
(a) Her poverty.
(b) Her personality.
(c) Her family.
(d) Her looks.

3. Where does Darcy notice a great deal of excitement?
(a) At the window.
(b) In the smoking room.
(c) In the middle of the dance floor.
(d) At the refreshment table.

4. To what does Darcy compare Elizabeth's eyes?
(a) The sparkle of the chandelier.
(b) The light on his glass.
(c) The moon.
(d) The reflections on the water fountain.

5. What place does Darcy expect the Bingleys will take in Meryton society?
(a) An influencial place.
(b) An unwelcomed place.
(c) A prominent place.
(d) A commanding place.

6. What does Miss Bingley praise about Pemberley in Chapter 6?
(a) Its gardens.
(b) Its library.
(c) Its art.
(d) Its architecture.

7. What usually draws the Bingley sisters to church?
(a) The chance to see their neighbors.
(b) Their piety.
(c) The presence of an influential person.
(d) The promise of an afternoon out.

8. Who did Georgiana have an 'incident' with the previous summer?
(a) Fitzwilliam.
(b) Collins.
(c) Wentworth.
(d) Wickham.

9. What does Darcy notice about Elizabeth while in Church?
(a) Her dislike of Miss Bingley.
(b) Her singing voice.
(c) Her gentle demeanor.
(d) Her calming effect on her mother.

10. What is Darcy's first name?
(a) Charles.
(b) George.
(c) Claude.
(d) Fitzwilliam.

11. What does Darcy notice about Bingley's sisters at the assembly hall?
(a) They look angry.
(b) They look unexcited.
(c) They look sickly.
(d) They look engaged.

12. What does Elizabeth accuse Darcy of while at the Lucas' home?
(a) Looking down on the locals.
(b) Have no patience for the elderly.
(c) Rudeness toward strangers.
(d) Severity on ladies.

13. What does Darcy think of the sister of the handsome girl Bingley danced with?
(a) She is forgetable.
(b) She is perfection.
(c) She is intriguing.
(d) She is rude.

14. What does Bingley say shocked his sisters in Chapter 2?
(a) That Darcy attended church.
(b) That the church service was so lively.
(c) That Jane dared to approach Bingley at church.
(d) That Darcy sang at church.

15. In Chapter 4, who does Miss Bingley lament does not like her?
(a) Elizabeth.
(b) Jane.
(c) Darcy.
(d) Charlotte.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Georgiana's new companion?

2. What does the dinner host in Chapter 4 say of Elizabeth Bennet's personality?

3. What is Bingley established as in Chapter 4?

4. What does Darcy think he owes to Elizabeth in Chapter 3?

5. After Darcy greets Elizabeth in Chapter 4, what does she excuse herself to do?

(see the answer keys)

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