An American Requiem Test | Final Test - Easy

James P. Carroll
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An American Requiem Test | Final Test - Easy

James P. Carroll
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Nixon is in office and plans to do what with the Vietnam War?
(a) End it.
(b) Ask other countries for assistance.
(c) Slowly remove soldiers from Vietnam.
(d) Escalate it.

2. What does the General call Martin Luther King?
(a) The most notorious liar in America.
(b) A great man.
(c) A religious role model.
(d) A leader of the free.

3. What is this ceremony for his mother?
(a) A tradition in her family.
(b) A dream come true.
(c) Her first.
(d) A fearful one.

4. When the General and Mary reunite with James at St. Paul's College and walk up Fourth Street, to where do they walk?
(a) The National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
(b) The Catholic Archidiacese.
(c) The Washington Monument.
(d) The Lincoln Memorial.

5. For what are students at this university notorious?
(a) Being anti-war.
(b) Being insubordinate.
(c) Being pro-war.
(d) Being violent.

6. The Cardinal ritually anoints James' hands and wraps them in linen bands that are given to his mother. What power does this give James?
(a) To bless the congregation.
(b) To give the sermon.
(c) To marry.
(d) Sacramental power to turn bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.

7. On what does James learn Catholic beliefs in scripture, events and characters are based?
(a) Myth and fiction, not divine intervention.
(b) The ocult.
(c) Divine intervention, not myth and fiction.
(d) The Holy Trinity.

8. How does James feel among the working-class Irish novices?
(a) Out of place.
(b) He feels at home.
(c) He befriends many of them.
(d) He often fights them.

9. God, government, and what else keep James in conflict?
(a) Poetry.
(b) Girls.
(c) Writing.
(d) His calling.

10. Who is the FBI resolved to bring down?
(a) Cardinal Spellman.
(b) Martin Luther King.
(c) Joseph Carroll.
(d) The Pope.

11. Whose point of view does James present on the Cavett Show?
(a) His students'.
(b) His father's.
(c) His own.
(d) Father Daniel Berrigan's.

12. What do James and fellow novices do on the edge of a lake?
(a) Fish.
(b) Swim.
(c) Contemplate their choice to join the priesthood.
(d) Bet when it will freeze over.

13. To what does the author flash back?
(a) His years in Germany.
(b) His childhood riding in an automobile with his father.
(c) His high school girlfriend.
(d) His recent experience with Allen Tate in Tennessee.

14. James feels his life ends when he enters seminary and that as a child he first hears the word as what?
(a) Sedimentary.
(b) Cinnamon.
(c) Crematory.
(d) Cemetery.

15. King is wiretapped, and what does his sexual behavior replace as an issue?
(a) The Vietnam War.
(b) Marxist thugs.
(c) The Republican Party.
(d) Communist infiltration.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Robert Kennedy send federal marshals instead of FBI agents to protect James Meredith at Ole Miss?

2. Despite years of religious training as an altar boy, catechism and religion classes, how is James regarding the Bible and theology?

3. What does Joe Carroll do as James blesses him and lays hands on his head?

4. Where does James begin seminary training in 1963?

5. How is Dan Berrigan's hiding place found?

(see the answer keys)

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