Among the Hidden Test | Final Test - Medium

Margaret Haddix
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Among the Hidden Test | Final Test - Medium

Margaret Haddix
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Luke get up at dawn to clean in Chapter 25?
(a) Muddy footprints.
(b) His room.
(c) The kitchen.
(d) The family room.

2. In Chapter 18, what is Jen's chat room friend complaining about online?
(a) His parents refuse to allow him downstairs into the family room.
(b) His parents refuse to buy him any extra food to eat.
(c) His parents refuse to waste money running the air-conditioning during the day, even though it's 105 outside.
(d) His parents refuse to buy him any new books to read.

3. Why does Jen's father put him hand over Luke's mouth after the Population Police leave?
(a) He wants Luke to listen to him before he talks.
(b) He wants to make sure the police are completely gone.
(c) He doesn't want him to scream.
(d) The police have planted listening devices in the house and one on Jen's father.

4. When Jen was younger, where did her mom take her to meet other third children?
(a) A party.
(b) A play group.
(c) A carnival.
(d) Secret meetings.

5. What is Jen shocked to hear that Luke and his family eat, that even her family can't eat?
(a) Eggs.
(b) Corn.
(c) Meat.
(d) Wheat.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jen's father offer to do for Luke in Chapter 27?

2. What has Jen been using her visits with Luke for?

3. What kind of Government does Jen's father say they have?

4. Why does Luke's family have a hard time deciphering the meaning of the letter from the Government?

5. What does Luke have to do after he breaks into Jen's house in Chapter 26?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Luke lull himself into a false sense of security in Chapter 21?

2. What does Jen tell Luke about when she was younger and going to play groups with other third children?

3. What is different about Jen's parents getting pregnant with her versus Luke's parents having him?

4. What Government propaganda has Luke's family completely believed in that shocks Jen?

5. How does Jen plan on getting the rally she has planned?

6. How does Luke's new identity empower him?

7. Why does Jen's father believe the Government keeps people hovering around the poverty level?

8. What signal have Luke and Jen arranged so that Luke will know when it's okay to come and visit her again?

9. How was Jen killed?

10. How does Jen perform a background check on Luke?

(see the answer keys)

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