Among the Hidden Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Margaret Haddix
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Among the Hidden Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Margaret Haddix
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Luke listen to while standing in the woods in Chapter 1?
(a) The sound of falling trees in the distance.
(b) The creek rushing by.
(c) The sound of twigs breaking.
(d) The birds chirping.

2. What did Luke's mother and father see on TV while pregnant that scared them?
(a) Ads advertising the reward for turning in people who have more than two children.
(b) The Government's ads talking about how the Population Police would do anything to enforce the law.
(c) Pictures of what the Population Police does to third babies.
(d) Stories of what the Population Police does to pregnant women.

3. Who is going to be living in the new houses being built next to Luke's home?
(a) Government workers and other city folk.
(b) Miners and their families.
(c) Soldiers.
(d) Immigrants.

4. What can Luke not stop thinking about, so much so that he can't even concentrate on playing with his favorite toy?
(a) The outdoors.
(b) The new girl down the road.
(c) His mother.
(d) His father.

5. What does Mother do when she opens the tax bill?
(a) She tears it to pieces.
(b) She begins to weep over it.
(c) She clutches it to her chest.
(d) She is so startled she drops it.

6. Luke begins watching the house where he saw the child's face constantly, on which day of his vigil does he see the blinds flip up and down quickly in an upstairs window?
(a) Fourth day.
(b) Second day.
(c) Third day.
(d) Fifth day.

7. While the Garner family is eating dinner in Chapter 1, they hear tires on the gravel driveway. Where does Luke scramble off to?
(a) Under the table.
(b) Under his parent's bed.
(c) Upstairs to hide.
(d) In the pantry.

8. How much more money is the tax bill from previous years?
(a) Four times the usual amount.
(b) Two times the usual amount.
(c) Five times the usual amount.
(d) Three times the usual amount.

9. What name do Luke's Mom and Dad call the new residents that will be living next to them?
(a) Earls.
(b) Chiefs.
(c) Barons.
(d) Lords.

10. What does Luke beg his mother to convince his dad of in Chapter 9?
(a) Allowing Luke to look out the windows.
(b) Allowing Luke back in the kitchen.
(c) Allowing Luke to listen to the radio.
(d) Allowing Luke outside.

11. What does Dad say is the reason for the tax increase on their property?
(a) The government is in financial trouble.
(b) The new houses next door have raised the property value of their home.
(c) He wouldn't sell anymore of their farmland, so he is being punished.
(d) They have been suspected to be harboring a third child.

12. Why is Luke's Dad furious with him in Chapter 8?
(a) He catches Luke downstairs in the middle of the day.
(b) He catches Luke singing loudly.
(c) He catches Luke looking out the windows.
(d) He catches Luke outside.

13. What new house does Luke spy a child looking out the window of after his dad banishes him from the kitchen?
(a) Gold Family House.
(b) Big Car Family House.
(c) Birdbrain Family House.
(d) Sport's Family House.

14. Why doesn't Luke tell his mother about what he has found in his room allowing him to look outside?
(a) He wants it to be his secret.
(b) He fears they will forbid him from using it anymore.
(c) He knows they will cover it up.
(d) He doesn't want to get in trouble.

15. What time does Luke notice all the new houses are empty by?
(a) 9:00 AM.
(b) 8:30 AM.
(c) 7:30 AM.
(d) 8:00 AM.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has gone down so low in price that the Luke's father and mother worry about how they will get by?

2. What is so amazing for Luke to look out upon from his room in Chapter 3?

3. What is Luke delighted to find after his whole family leaves in a hurry in Chapter 8?

4. After Luke's mother calls him to come into the house from the woods, what does Luke do for the first time in his life?

5. What does Luke notice first as he makes his way outside to sneak over to the third child's house?

(see the answer keys)

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