Among the Hidden Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Margaret Haddix
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Among the Hidden Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Margaret Haddix
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Since not being able to eat breakfast with the whole family, why doesn't Luke ask for butter for his toast anymore?
(a) He will get yelled at for being a nusiance.
(b) Someone would have to pretend they forgot something in order to safely pass him the butter dish.
(c) He doesn't like butter anymore.
(d) His mom gives him jam now.

2. How big are the houses being built next to Luke's home?
(a) Mansions.
(b) Medium.
(c) Tiny.
(d) Large.

3. What does Luke listen to while standing in the woods in Chapter 1?
(a) The sound of falling trees in the distance.
(b) The birds chirping.
(c) The sound of twigs breaking.
(d) The creek rushing by.

4. What time does Luke's Mom get home from work?
(a) 7:00 PM.
(b) 5:30 PM.
(c) 6:30 PM.
(d) 6:00 PM.

5. What does Luke's Dad slip quietly to Luke every day around noon?
(a) Some vegetables.
(b) A couple cookies.
(c) Soup.
(d) Two sandwiches.

6. Why didn't Luke's parents take the Population Law seriously when they became pregnant?
(a) They were too scared.
(b) They didn't care what the Government thought.
(c) They were mad at the Government.
(d) The law was new and they figured the Government would get over its foolishness.

7. The books Luke reads that are his fathers, what are they about?
(a) Monster trucks.
(b) Motorcylces.
(c) Tractors.
(d) Countryside grasses and pig diseases.

8. What has Luke been taught all his life to fear?
(a) Dogs.
(b) Adults.
(c) Other children.
(d) Open spaces.

9. What new house does Luke spy a child looking out the window of after his dad banishes him from the kitchen?
(a) Big Car Family House.
(b) Sport's Family House.
(c) Birdbrain Family House.
(d) Gold Family House.

10. What does Luke notice about the construction workers he spies on from his room?
(a) They are taking their time with the construction.
(b) They sometimes quit in the middle of the day.
(c) They are in a big hurry to finish the construction.
(d) They will work late into the night.

11. Why is Luke's Dad furious with him in Chapter 8?
(a) He catches Luke downstairs in the middle of the day.
(b) He catches Luke singing loudly.
(c) He catches Luke looking out the windows.
(d) He catches Luke outside.

12. What does the female third child tell Luke she does sometimes just for fun?
(a) Turn the music up really loud and sing along.
(b) Set off the house alarm.
(c) Run around outside at night.
(d) Play with fire.

13. What are Luke's favorite types of books to read?
(a) Romance.
(b) Mystery.
(c) Adventure.
(d) Science Fiction.

14. Why doesn't Luke tell his mother about what he has found in his room allowing him to look outside?
(a) He doesn't want to get in trouble.
(b) He fears they will forbid him from using it anymore.
(c) He wants it to be his secret.
(d) He knows they will cover it up.

15. While the Garner family is eating dinner in Chapter 1, they hear tires on the gravel driveway. Where does Luke scramble off to?
(a) Under his parent's bed.
(b) In the pantry.
(c) Under the table.
(d) Upstairs to hide.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the girl, who's a third child like Luke, do that shocks him?

2. After Luke's mother calls him to come into the house from the woods, what does Luke do for the first time in his life?

3. Why are the new residents that will be living next to Luke called a special name?

4. What does Luke yell out in a panic to the girl whose house he has just broke into?

5. What does Luke's mother say is the reason she became pregnant with him?

(see the answer keys)

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