American Short Story Masterpieces Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

American Short Story Masterpieces Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Water Liars, Letters from the Samantha, Ile Forest, The Magic Barrel, Shiloh.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following adjectives best describes Vance's student, Katie Jay, in the story, "The Amish Farmer"?
(a) Apathetic.
(b) Simple-minded.
(c) Comedic.
(d) Aggressive.

2. What is the name of the cove to where the narrator escapes in the story "Water Liars"?
(a) Darte Cove.
(b) Barte Cove.
(c) Marte Cove.
(d) Farte Cove.

3. What is the name of Leo Finkle's wife?
(a) Maureen.
(b) Julia.
(c) Collette.
(d) Stella.

4. Who tells Gil that Galven Ile is a murderer?
(a) The local news.
(b) Ile's servant.
(c) Gil's neighbor.
(d) No one tells Gil the truth about Galven.

5. Why does Noel pick a fight with Daniel in the story, "The Amish Farmer"?
(a) Because Daniel stole Noel's wallet.
(b) Because Noel's wife and Daniel are having an affair.
(c) Because Noel thought Daniel was being aggressive.
(d) Because Daniel was spying on Noel's family while they dressed.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the story "Rock Springs," why does Earl find himself on the run?

2. How does Poma react when she discovers the truth about Ile Galven's past?

3. Which of the following was NOT a way Louise's roommate uses to support Louise in her weight loss goals?

4. Which of the following examples is NOT a way that Push attempts to show dominance over John Williams?

5. What does Lewis complain about during his meeting with Arty?

(see the answer key)

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