American Rust Test | Final Test - Easy

Philipp Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

American Rust Test | Final Test - Easy

Philipp Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is the cafeteria at the prison segregated?
(a) By offence.
(b) By race.
(c) By gender.
(d) By age.

2. What is Poe's first name?
(a) Billy.
(b) John.
(c) Peter.
(d) Otto.

3. What object does Isaac lose when he flees the cops in Book Three?
(a) His knife.
(b) His gun.
(c) His keys.
(d) His ring.

4. What does Poe do when the other prisoner demands food from his tray in Book Three?
(a) He calls for a guard.
(b) He walks away.
(c) He beats him up.
(d) He gives it to him.

5. What word from Book Three means a wild and noisy disorder or confusion?
(a) Accoutrement.
(b) Pandemonium.
(c) Increment.
(d) Anymosity.

6. Where does Harris go to meet the justice of the peace in Book Three?
(a) On his plane.
(b) At his office.
(c) At his home.
(d) On his boat.

7. From where has Poe's cell-mate in prison just returned in Book Four?
(a) The prison library.
(b) A parole hearing.
(c) A meeting with his lawyer.
(d) Solitary confinement.

8. What does the prisoner demand from Poe's tray in Book Three?
(a) A hamburger.
(b) A sausage.
(c) His bacon.
(d) A slice of pizza.

9. What word from Book Four refers to an instance of turning something aside from its course?
(a) Diversion.
(b) Aversion.
(c) Conversion.
(d) Assonance.

10. Who are the friends that Harris meets at the bar in Book Four?
(a) Steve, Hicks, and Simon.
(b) Riley, Chester, and Frank.
(c) Otto, Murray, and Jesus.
(d) Isaac, Paul, and Jackie.

11. What does Poe do when his lawyer arrives to see him in Book Four?
(a) He confesses to the murder.
(b) He refuses to see her.
(c) He tells her Isaac is guilty of the murder.
(d) He asks for a phone call.

12. Which direction is Isaac traveling by train in the beginning of Book Three?
(a) West.
(b) South.
(c) East.
(d) North.

13. Who does Lee plan to ask for money to help locate Isaac in Book Three?
(a) Henry.
(b) Hicks.
(c) Simon.
(d) Virgil.

14. Who does the gang that Poe has been hanging out with in prison ask him to beat up in Book Three?
(a) A black inmate.
(b) Tucker.
(c) Harris.
(d) A guard.

15. What weapon does Isaac steal in Book Four?
(a) A pistol.
(b) A knife.
(c) A taser.
(d) A rifle.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is the group that is coddling Isaac described in Book Three?

2. What is the name of the bar that Harris goes to in Book Four?

3. What does Henry grapple with in Book Four?

4. Whom does Lee's father tell her not to trust in Book Three?

5. What is Poe's punishment for fighting with his cell-mate in Book Four?

(see the answer keys)

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