American Rust Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Philipp Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

American Rust Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Philipp Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Grace do for a living?
(a) She is a clothing maker.
(b) She is a shoe salesperson.
(c) She is a firefighter.
(d) She is a teacher.

2. Whom does Poe tell Lee is responsible for the murder in Book Two?
(a) Himself.
(b) Grace.
(c) Isaac.
(d) Simon.

3. How is Isaac's physicality described in the narrative?
(a) Small and wispy.
(b) Tall and muscular.
(c) Short and fat.
(d) Tall and fat.

4. How old is Poe in Book One?
(a) 23.
(b) 20.
(c) 19.
(d) 21.

5. What is Isaac's ultimate destination as he flees his hometown in Book One?
(a) Kentucky.
(b) California.
(c) Florida.
(d) Mexico.

6. What does Isaac realize he left at the murder scene in Book One?
(a) His jacket.
(b) His wallet.
(c) His backpack.
(d) His watch.

7. How are Baron's friends described in Book Two?
(a) Hippies.
(b) Dixies.
(c) Junkies.
(d) Yuppies.

8. How many of his full-time officers is Harris facing laying off due to budget shortages in Book Two?
(a) 3.
(b) 5.
(c) 2.
(d) 4.

9. From whose house is Poe walking home in the beginning of Book Two?
(a) From Simon's house.
(b) From Lee's house.
(c) From Otto's house.
(d) From Murray's house.

10. Of what crime does Harris know his friend on the city council that is being investigated to be guilty?
(a) Theft.
(b) Murder.
(c) Bribery.
(d) Robbery.

11. What did Harris do when he caught Virgil stealing previously?
(a) He let him go.
(b) He put him in jail for 30 days.
(c) He beat him up.
(d) He had him charged with additional crimes.

12. How much money has Issac stolen from his father in Book One?
(a) $4,000.
(b) $3,000.
(c) $5,000.
(d) $10,000.

13. Who has agreed to hire a nurse for Lee's father?
(a) Simon.
(b) Otto.
(c) Murray.
(d) Henry.

14. What sport did Poe excell at in high school?
(a) Basketball.
(b) Hockey.
(c) Football.
(d) Baseball.

15. What is the name of Poe's mother?
(a) Mary.
(b) Lee.
(c) Grace.
(d) Sarah.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Lee now live with her husband in Book One?

2. What industry at the heart of the hometown where Isaac and Poe live?

3. Who is Bud Harris's young partner?

4. What word from Book Two refers to a person who believes in the doctrine of free will?

5. What word from Book Two refers to a thing that is necessary for the achievement to an ends?

(see the answer keys)

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