All Quiet on the Western Front Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All Quiet on the Western Front Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Haie often dream of?
(a) The beating they gave to Himmelstoss.
(b) Being killed in battle.
(c) The abuse he received at the hands of Himmelstoss.
(d) Going home and forgetting about the war.

2. What is the main character's name?
(a) Albert Kropp.
(b) Haie Westhus
(c) Paul Baumer.
(d) Stanislaus Katczinsky.

3. What does Müller carry?
(a) Textbooks.
(b) Pictures of his family.
(c) A French rifle.
(d) A heavy weight on his shoulders.

4. What does Müller offer Baumer a fine piece of?
(a) Sausage.
(b) Red pudding.
(c) Saveloy.
(d) Frankfurter.

5. What did Kropp lose in his bet about the German airplane?
(a) Ten German marks.
(b) A bottle of beer.
(c) His boots.
(d) A sandwich.

6. What is Kat so worried about?
(a) Bombardment.
(b) Raids.
(c) Infantry.
(d) Air-strikes.

7. What does Baumer fall in when counter-attacking the French?
(a) Someone's belly.
(b) A trench.
(c) Love with a French girl.
(d) A dug-out.

8. What do the men do with the leftover goose?
(a) They take it to Tjaden and Kropp.
(b) They bring it back to the hut.
(c) They ate it all, there were no leftovers.
(d) They give it to Himmelstoss.

9. What bed is Kemmerich in?
(a) Thirty-two.
(b) Twenty-six.
(c) Twenty-one.
(d) Nineteen.

10. Why do the men know they are near the sea?
(a) They can smell the water.
(b) They can feel the cold.
(c) They find a boat.
(d) They can hear seabirds.

11. What is it a tedious exercise to kill?
(a) Lice.
(b) Flamethrower troops.
(c) The bacteria that cause trench-foot.
(d) Englishmen.

12. How many men were wounded by friendly fire in the first night at the front?
(a) Two.
(b) A dozen.
(c) Ten.
(d) Several.

13. What are the French famous for on the front?
(a) Well-trained soldiers.
(b) Up-to-date weaponry.
(c) Corned beef.
(d) Vicious attacks.

14. Who is Haie Westhus?
(a) A field-worker.
(b) A peat-digger.
(c) A gardener.
(d) A construction worker.

15. What was the name of the other soldier who wet the bed?
(a) Knickerbacker.
(b) Amherst.
(c) Kindervater.
(d) Ogden.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do the men take cover from the heavy shelling?

2. What did Baumer say Kemmerich had about him?

3. How many days ago did the soldiers have to relieve the front line?

4. Who arrives at the front lines?

5. What word describes almost all sergeant-majors?

(see the answer keys)

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