All Things Bright and Beautiful Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All Things Bright and Beautiful Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How was Mr. Bentley acting strangely?

2. Why was Mr. Biggins reluctant to ask Herriot to look at his cow?

3. What is Tristan's response to having his foot stepped on by a cow?

4. What does Miss Dooley, the owner of Cindy, the little pregnant dog, want from Herriot?

5. What does Herriot think might have caused Kitson's dying ewe to recover?

Short Essay Questions

1. Mr. Bentley arrives at the surgery to ask Herriot to come out and see his cow the next day. What is he doing that is odd and why?

2. Why is Herriot suddenly worried about money in chapter 41?

3. Why does Herriot become upset with Kitson when he goes to deliver some lambs for him?

4. Explain why all the town dogs were attracted to Percy, the little dog with the tumor.

5. Explain why Mrs. Bond was displeased with Tristan.

6. In what way is Herriot's work personality different from Ewan Ross's?

7. Explain the relationship between Marmaduke "Duke" Skelton and Ewan Ross.

8. Describe Tristan's behavior while delivering a calf.

9. Describe the process that Herriot goes through to anesthetize Walt Bennet's horse. How does Siegfried participate?

10. What does Ted Buckle do to calm Herriot down and to get the bull back in his box?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write an essay about epilepsy.

Part 1. What is epilepsy? What causes it and what does it look like?

Part 2. What are the historical interpretations and reactions to epilepsy?

Part 3. What management and cures are available for epilepsy?

Part 4. What is the appropriate response to a seizure?

Essay Topic 2

In chapter three, many of the events are caused by an unknown Alsatian dog that was in the area with its owners. Apparently the dog chased the sheep. Even though the no harm was apparent immediately, it still resulted in much stress and financial loss for the farmer. Write an essay about the responsibility of dog owners, as well as appropriate behavior regarding the livestock or crops of farmers and ranchers.

Part 1. Explain your own situation. Do you live in a rural area or an urban one? Do you come into contact with commercial crops or livestock? If so, what traditions are in place regarding them?

Part 2. Retell the story of the dog and Benson's sheep. What possibilities were open to the people to have avoided this? What should they have done after it happened?

Part 3. In many areas, the crops or animals are accessible from roads. How should the passerby treat these? Are vineyards okay to walk through? Are apple orchards okay to picnic in? Ride dirt bikes in? Cows okay to pet? Feed? Using the example of Benson's sheep, the people saw no harm done at the time. Even if they were concerned about the damage their dog could have caused, the damage was unnoticeable at the time. How should this possibility affect the passerby's treatment of the commercial crops or livestock?

Essay Topic 3

Write an essay about brucellosis.

Part 1. What is the history of our understanding of brucellosis? What are some of the names it picked up along the way and why?

Part 2.What is brucellosis and how does it affect people or animals?

Part 3. What are the steps to prevent or cure brucellosis?

(see the answer keys)

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