All Things Bright and Beautiful Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All Things Bright and Beautiful Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Herriot get caught picking up at the surgery?
(a) A jug of ale.
(b) A new hoof knife.
(c) A wad of cash.
(d) Helen.

2. What was Herriot suspected of for his placement of the family pets winners?
(a) Giving first place to the squire's son.
(b) Awarding prizes to his clients.
(c) Being biased against rabbits.
(d) Taking bribes.

3. How easy does Herriot find it to diagnose the second batch of Darby cattle?
(a) He has no idea what is wrong the first two times he sees them.
(b) He still does not know what was wrong with them.
(c) He knows almost immediately that it is going to be just as bad.
(d) It takes him a long time because he has to do several tests.

4. What happened to Badger?
(a) He broke his leg jumping a fence.
(b) He developed lockjaw.
(c) He was retired from plowing and died of old age.
(d) He went blind.

5. What does Herriot feel vets are regularly called to do?
(a) To influence farmers to treat their animals better.
(b) Answer general questions about animal husbandry.
(c) To keep a safe distance from any unruly animal.
(d) To step open-eyed into dangerous situations.

6. Why does Herriot suspect that Mr. Pickersgill is the cause of the problem with his cow's mastitis?
(a) Mr. Pickersgill constantly sprays chemicals in the barn.
(b) Mr. Pickersgill milks the cow very roughly.
(c) Mr. Pickersgill in always inventing new "vitamins" for the cow.
(d) Mr. Pickersgill beds the stall so deeply it chaffes the cow.

7. What was Herriot's opinion of horse work?
(a) "The most dangerous and thrilling work for a vet."
(b) "The simplest and most pleasant work we are handed."
(c) "The bleakest and least studied part of our field."
(d) "The roughest and most arduous part of our life."

8. What flavors of wine does Herriot try at Mr. Crumps house?
(a) Parsely, clover, gooseberry, bettroot, and crabapple.
(b) Rhubarb, elderflower, blackberry, and parsnip,
(c) All of the above.
(d) Dandelion, turnips, and cowslip.

9. How does Dinah do after being treated by Granville?
(a) She never fully recovers.
(b) She dies three days later.
(c) She recovers quickly.
(d) She is hospitalized for over a week.

10. Who is Granville Bennett?
(a) A local horse vet.
(b) An animal healer.
(c) A very accomplished small animal vet in a nearby town.
(d) A dangerously incompetent veterinarian nearby.

11. What does Harold Ingledew do that keeps his neighbors awake?
(a) Sing loudly when he's drunk.
(b) Do his repair work at night on full moons.
(c) Keeps his lambing pens near his neighbors house.
(d) None of the above.

12. What made survival for the Dalby family especially difficult?
(a) They had a huge family and a supported others that couldn't work.
(b) A horrible accident that had crippled the father, Billy.
(c) They weren't from the area and so didn't know the land well.
(d) The death of Billy Dalby, the father.

13. What is the last thing Herriot sees at the Darrowby show?
(a) The usual officiator laughing over beer with all the farmers.
(b) Helen leaving in a fancy car with Richard while he crank starts his.
(c) The goldfish in its bowl forgotten on a table.
(d) The cow he treated at the beginning getting into a truck.

14. What does Mr. Pickersgill call mastitis?
(a) Hot udder.
(b) Them masticks.
(c) Bagtitis.
(d) Felon.

15. Why does Herriot get ill while waiting for Dinah with Granville?
(a) He came down with a flu going around.
(b) Granville gave him some tonic that made him ill.
(c) He felt obliged to eat and drink what Granville served him.
(d) The farm they went to smelled horribly.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who or what does Herriot end up prescribing a solution for that also cures the mastitis of Mr. Pickersgill's cow?

2. What would Cliff do after he fought with his wife?

3. What does Herriot learn about the Bamfords the day after he goes there?

4. What phrase does Mrs Donovan repeat to Herriot for years?

5. In the beginning of chapter 15, why is Siegfried especially touchy and cantankerous?

(see the answer keys)

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