Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To whom do the Strauch sisters pray fervently?
(a) Jesus.
(b) Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
(c) Buddha.
(d) The Virgin of Garabandal.

2. Who comforts Marcelo?
(a) Daniel Fernandez.
(b) Fito (Adolfo) Strauch.
(c) Eduardo Strauch.
(d) Enrique Platero.

3. From what does Enrique Platero suffer?
(a) A lung infection.
(b) A gaping stomach wound.
(c) A broken leg in many places.
(d) Broken ribs.

4. In 1971, what does the Old Christians rugby team decide to do?
(a) Play a championship game in Equador.
(b) Play a championship game in the United States.
(c) Play a championship game in Chile.
(d) Play a championship game in Argentina.

5. On what does the search focus?
(a) The pilot's comments about seeing Curico.
(b) The volcano of Tinguiririca.
(c) The path of the plane.
(d) The Chilean border.

6. What do the men do in Santiago?
(a) They meet with a clairvoyant.
(b) They split into teams.
(c) They hire a search team.
(d) They wait for assistance from the military.

7. To buoy their spirits, what does Marcelo try to do?
(a) Threaten them.
(b) Remain upbeat.
(c) Force them to be happy.
(d) Encourage group prayer.

8. Can airplanes be flown low in the mountain range?
(a) Yes.
(b) Maybe.
(c) No.
(d) Sometimes.

9. How was a democratic state created?
(a) The Blancos party president defeated the liberal party.
(b) The Democratic party president defeated the Republican party.
(c) The Colorado party president defeated the conservative party.
(d) The Republican party president defeated the liberal party.

10. Why do tensions rise?
(a) The survivors are tired of one another.
(b) The radio is not an easy task and various survivors have different views on rationing food and productivity.
(c) The survivors do not want to go on.
(d) The survivors are all dying.

11. When does summer begin in the Andes?
(a) January 15th.
(b) November 15th.
(c) December 15th.
(d) June 15th.

12. What animals noticed the survivors and dead bodies?
(a) The eagles.
(b) The condors.
(c) The bears.
(d) The rats.

13. What happens on December 11th?
(a) The plane does not take off due to engine problems.
(b) The propellers stop turning and the pilot performs an emergency landing.
(c) The plane searches but does not find the men.
(d) The plane crashes in the Andes.

14. How does Ponce de Leon help the families?
(a) He contacts the Air Force.
(b) He uses his radio to shuttle information between the families and officials.
(c) He uses his clairvoyant visions to find the plane.
(d) He calls his friends in the United States.

15. What do the parents agree to do with this information?
(a) Bring it to the attention of the Uruguayan Air Force.
(b) Begin their own search.
(c) Ignore it.
(d) Share it with another clairvoyant.

Short Answer Questions

1. The radio team heard news that the search would be resumed by the Uruguayan Air Force. What does this information bring?

2. What does Paez Vilaro do to find the lost rugby players?

3. Was the information from Ponce de Leon accurate?

4. Why does Marcelo feel responsible for their losses?

5. Who is the only surviving woman?

(see the answer keys)

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